Public Speaking Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Understand Your nervousness 2.1 19

level of anxiety at the time your instructor first presents the speech assignment.
You’ll probably feel the least anxiety when you’re preparing your speech.
One practical application of this research is that now you can understand
when you’ll need the most help managing your anxiety: right before you speak.
It will also help to remember that as you begin speaking, anxiety begins to
decrease—often dramatically. Another application of the research is to help you
realize you’ll feel less anxious about your speech when you’re doing something
positive to prepare for it. Don’t put off working on your speech; if you prepare
well in advance, you’ll not only have a better speech, but you’ll also feel less
anxious about presenting it.
To identify patterns in how people experience communication apprehen-
sion, one researcher measured speakers’ heart rates when they were delivering
speeches and also asked them several questions about their fear of speaking.^22
After studying the results, he identified four styles of communication apprehension:

•   Average. You have an average style of communication anxiety if you have a
generally positive approach to communicating in public; your overall heart
rate when speaking publicly is in the average range. Speakers with this style
rated their own speaking performance the highest compared to those with
other styles.
• Insensitive. The insensitive style is likely to be your style only if you have had
previous experience in public speaking. Perhaps because of your experi-
ence, you tend to be less sensitive to apprehension when you speak; you

Figure 2.1 Many public speakers feel the most nervous right before their speech
begins, with anxiety tapering off as the speech continues. Students may also feel a
smaller peak of worry when their instructor assigns them to give a speech.

Copyrighted by pearson education, Upper Saddle River, nJ.

Speech Assignment

Anxiety Level

You Begin Your



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