Gloomhaven RulesBook

(Jeff_L) #1


Attack abilities will often have effects that increase their power. If an attack effect is listed on an ability card
after an attack, the target (or targets) of the attack is subject to the additional effect as well, after damage
from the attack is resolved. Attack effects are applied regardless of whether the corresponding attack does
damage. These effects (except experience gains) are optional and can be skipped. Some character actions can
also apply these effects without an attack, and in such cases the target of the effect is written on the ability

PUSH X – The target is forced to move X hexes in a direction specified by the attacker, but each
hex moved must place the target farther away from the attacker than it was previously. If there
are no viable hexes into which to push the target, the push ends. The target can be pushed
through its allies, but not its enemies.

PULL X – The target is forced to move X hexes in a direction specified by the attacker, but each hex
moved must place the target closer to the attacker than it was previously. If there are no viable
hexes into which to pull the target, the pull ends. The target can be pulled through its allies, but
not its enemies. Both push and pull effects are considered movements, however, they are not
affected by difficult terrain.

PIERCE X – Up to X points of the target’s Shield are ignored for the attack. Unlike other effects,
PIERCE is applied while calculating the accompanying attack damage instead of afterwards.
Example: an Attack 3 PIERCE 2 ability used on a monster with Shield 3 would ignore two of
the monster’s Shield points and inflict 2 damage (modified by an attack modifier card).

ADD TARGET – If a figure triggers this effect with an attack action, the figure may add an
additional target within range to their attack. All added effects and conditions of the attack action
are applied to the target, as well, except for effects that would result in additional targets outside
of the original added target (e.g., area attacks).

POISON – If a figure is poisoned, all enemies add +1 Attack to all of their attacks targeting the
figure. If a Heal ability is used on a poisoned figure, the POISON token is removed, and the Heal
has no other effect.

WOUND – If a figure is wounded, it suffers one point of damage at the start of each of its turns. If
a Heal ability is used on a wounded figure, the WOUND token is removed and the Heal continues
normally. If a figure is both poisoned and wounded, a Heal ability would remove both conditions
but have no other effect.

IMMOBILIZE – If a figure is immobilized, it cannot perform any move abilities on its turn. At the
end of its next turn, the IMMOBILIZE token is removed.


Certain abilities may apply conditions to their targets. When a condition is applied to a figure (except CURSE
and BLESS), the respective token is placed on the stat sleeve in the section corresponding the number on the
specific monster’s standee to signify the effect. The condition remains on the figure until the requirements for
removing the specific effect are met. Only one of each condition type may be applied to any single figure at a
time, however conditions can be reapplied to refresh their duration.

The following are negative conditions. If an ability has the name of one of these conditions contained within it,
then the condition is applied to all targets of the ability, after the main effect of the ability is applied. Conditions
are applied regardless of whether the corresponding attack does damage.

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