A Visual Encyclopedia of the Periodic Table

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Transition Metals







Rutherfordium was the first superheavy
element to be discovered. In this type
of element, each atom has 104 or more protons
in its nucleus. It is named after the New Zealand
scientist Ernest Rutherford, who, in 1913,
suggested that every atom has a nucleus, or
core. Pure rutherfordium is synthesized by
researchers in a laboratory.

It took scientists nearly 30 years to agree on
a name for this element. Dubnium was finally
named after the Russian city of Dubna, where the
first atoms of this artificial, radioactive element
were created, in 1968. However, a team of
American scientists led by Albert Ghiorso also
produced samples of the element at the same
time. This radioactive element has 12 isotopes,
or forms, with different numbers of neutrons.

The US
scientist Albert
Ghiorso discovered
12 elements
in the 20th

Ernest Rutherford

Albert Ghiorso

State: Solid
Discovery: 1968

105 105 163

104 104 163

State: Solid
Discovery: 1964

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