A Visual Encyclopedia of the Periodic Table

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Transition Metals







This artificial element is named after the
German city of Darmstadt – the home
of the Institute for Heavy Ion Research
where this element was first produced.
A team led by the German physicist Sigurd
Hofmann created darmstadtium by smashing
nickel atoms into lead atoms in a particle
accelerator (a machine in which atoms are
smashed together).

Scientists believe that this metal
shares many characteristics with
precious metals, such as gold and silver.
However, its atoms break apart within
seconds, so this has not yet been confirmed.
Roentgenium was created in Darmstadt,
Germany. It was named after Wilhelm
Röntgen, the German scientist who
discovered X-rays in 1895.

Sigurd Hofmann

Wilhem Röntgen

State: Solid
Discovery: 1994
110 110 171
State: Solid
Discovery: 1994
106-107_Darmstadtium_Roentgenium_Copernicium.indd 106 12/12/16 5:39 pm

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