Philips Atlas of the Universe

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


correctly, and so laid the foundations of modern astro-
An incandescent solid, liquid, or gas at high pressure,
will yield a continuous spectrum, from red to violet. An
incandescent gas at low pressure will produce a different
spectrum, made up of isolated bright lines, each of which
is characteristic of one particular element or group of
elements; this is known as an emission spectrum. For
example, incandescent sodium will produce a spectrum
which includes two bright yellow lines; if these are seen,
then sodium must be responsible, because nothing else can
produce them. Many elements, such as iron, have spectra
so complex that they include many thousands of lines in
their unique fingerprints.
The Sun’s photosphere yields a continuous spectrum.
Above the photosphere lies the chromosphere, which is
made up of low-pressure gas and produces an emission
spectrum. Normally these lines would be bright; because
they are silhouetted against the rainbow background they
appear dark, but their positions and intensities are un-
altered, so that there is no problem in identifying them.
Two prominent dark lines in the yellow part of the band
correspond exactly to the two famous lines of sodium, and
therefore we can prove that there is sodium in the Sun.
It has been found that the most plentiful element in
the Sun is hydrogen, which accounts for 71 per cent of the
total mass; any other result would have been surprising,
since in the universe as a whole the numbers of hydrogen
atoms outnumber those of all the other elements combined.
In the Sun, the next most plentiful element is helium, with
27 per cent. This does not leave much room for anything
else, but by now most of the 92 elements known to occur
in Nature have been identified in smaller quantities.
Helium was actually identified in the solar spectrum
before it was known on Earth; it was found by Lockyer
in 1868, who named it after the Greek helios(Sun). Not
until 1894 was it tracked down on our own world.
Many instruments of various kinds are based on the
principle of the spectroscope. One such is the spectrohelio-
graph, where two slits are used and it is possible to build
up an image of the Sun in the light of one selected element
only (the visual equivalent of the spectroheliograph is
the spectrohelioscope). Similar results can be obtained by
using special filters, which block out all the wavelengths
except those which have been selected. Today, equipment
of this sort is used by many amateur observers as well as
professionals – and solar observation is always fascinat-
ing, if only because there is always something new to see;
the Sun is always changing, and one can never tell what
will happen next.

Letter Wavelength, Å Identification

C (H-alpha) 6563 Hydrogen
D 1 5896 Sodium
D 2 5890
b 1 5183 Magnesium
b 2 5173
b 3 5169
b 4 5167
F (H-beta) 4861 Hydrogen
G 4308 Iron
g 4227 Calcium
h (H-delta) 4102 Hydrogen
H 3967 Ionized calcium
K 3933

(One Ångström (Å), named in honour of the Swedish
scientist Anders Ångström, is equal to one hundred-
millionth part of a centimetre. The diameter of a human
hair is roughly 500,000 Å. Another often-used unit is
the nanometre. To convert Ångstroms into nanometres,
divide by 10, so that, for instance, the wavelength of
the H-alpha line is 656.3 nm.)


▲ The McMath-Pierce Solar
Telescope on Kitt Peak in
Arizona. The Sun’s light is
collected by the heliostat, a
mirror at the top of the
structure, and is directed
down the slanted tunnel on to
a curved mirror at the bottom;
this in turn reflects the rays
back up the tunnel to a flat
mirror, which sends the rays
down through a hole to the
lab below.

▼ The visible spectrum
of the Sun is very complex;
more than 70 elements
have been identified. The
photosphere produces a
rainbow or continuous
spectrum. The rarefied
gases in the chromosphere
would yield bright lines if
seen on their own but
against the photosphere are
‘reversed’ and appear dark,
although their positions and
intensities are unaffected.

K H4,000Å

H(C) 6,000Å 6,000Å D 1 D 2 5,500Å

4,000Å 5,000Å bbb

Hydrogen Hydrogen Hydrogen Magnesium

Hydrogen Sodium

Calcium Iron Calcium

H g H H (F)

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