Philips Atlas of the Universe

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Variable Stars


ariable stars are very common in the Galaxy – and, for
that matter, in other galaxies too. They are of many
types. Some behave in a completely predictable manner,
while others are always liable to take us by surprise.
First there are the eclipsing binaries, which are not
truly variable at all. The prototype is Algol or Beta Persei,
which, appropriately enough, lies in the head of the
mythological Gorgon, and has long been nicknamed the
‘Demon Star’. Normally it shines at magnitude 2.1; but
every 2.9 days it begins to fade, dropping to magnitude 3.4
in just over four hours. It remains at minimum for a mere
20 minutes, after which it brightens up again.
Algol is in fact a binary system. The main component
(Algol A) is of type B, and is a white star 100 times as
luminous as the Sun; the secondary (Algol B) is a G-type
subgiant, larger than A but less massive. When B passes
in front of A, part of the light is blocked out, and the mag-
nitude falls; when A passes in front of B there is a much
shallower minimum not detectable with the naked eye.
The eclipses are not total, and if Algol could be observed
from a different vantage point in the Galaxy there would
be no variation at all.
Incidentally, we have here a good example of what is
called mass transfer. The G-type component was originally
the more massive of the two, so that it left the Main
Sequence earlier and swelled out. As it did so, its gravita-
tional grip on its outer layers was weakened, and material
was ‘captured’ by the companion, which is now the senior
partner. The process is still going on, and radio observa-
tions show material streaming its way from B to A.
Other naked-eye Algol stars are Lambda Tauri (Map
17) and Delta Librae (Map 6). Beta Lyrae, near Vega
(Map 8) is of different type. The period is almost 13 days,
and there are alternate deep and shallow minima; the com-
ponents are much less unequal than with Algol, and varia-
tions are always going on. Apparently the two components
are almost touching each other, and each must be drawn
out into the shape of an egg. Different again is Epsilon
Aurigae, close to Capella (Map 18). The primary is a
particularly luminous supergiant; the eclipsing secondary
has never been seen, but is probably a smallish, hot star
surrounded by a cloud of more or less opaque material.
Eclipses occur only every 27 years; the next is due in 2011.
Close beside Epsilon is Zeta Aurigae, also an eclipsing
binary with a period of 972 days. Here we have a red
supergiant together with a smaller, hot companion; it is
when the hot star is eclipsed that we see a drop in bright-
ness, but the amplitude is small (magnitude 3.7 to 4.2).
Pulsating stars are intrinsically variable. Much the
most important are the Cepheids, named after the proto-
type star Delta Cephei (Map 3) in the far north of the sky.
They are yellow supergiants in a fairly advanced stage of
evolution, so that they have exhausted their available
hydrogen and helium ‘fuel’ and have become unstable,
swelling and shrinking. The period of pulsation is the time
needed for a vibration to travel from the star’s surface to
the centre and back again, so that large luminous stars
have longer periods than stars which are smaller and less
powerful. There is a definite link between a Cepheid’s
period and its real luminosity – which in turn gives a clue
to the distance, so that Cepheids are useful as ‘standard
candles’, particularly since they are powerful enough to
be seen over an immense range. W Virginis stars are
not unlike Cepheids, but are less luminous; the brightest
example is Kappa Pavonis in the southern hemisphere
(Map 21). We also have RR Lyrae stars, which have short
periods and small amplitude; all seem to be about 90 times
as powerful as the Sun.


 RR Lyrae variables. All
have short periods and there
are three main groups. In
the first, the periods are
about 0.5 days and the
rise to maximum is sharp,
followed by a slower decline;
RR Lyrae is of this kind (see
light-curve). Variables of the
second class are similar, but

 Cepheid variableshave
periods of from three days
to over 50 days. Their light-
curves are regular and are
related to their absolute
magnitudes. The light-curve
shown here is for Delta
Cephei, the prototype star.
Delta Cephei belongs to
Population I: there are also

 Long-period variables.
With long-period variables,
of which the prototype is
Mira Ceti (light-curve shown
here), neither the periods nor
the maximum and minimum
magnitudes are constant.
For instance, Mira may
at some maxima attain
magnitude 2: at other

 RV Tauri variables.
The RV Tauri variables
are very luminous and
are characterized by light-
curves which show alternate
deep and shallow minima.
There are considerable
irregularities: two deep
minima may occur in
succession, and at times

 SS Cygni or U
Geminorum variables.
The so-called ‘dwarf novae’
are characterized by
periodical outbursts; for
most of the time they remain
at minimum brightness.
Outbursts may occur at fairly
regular intervals or may be
unpredictable. The prototype

 R Coronae Borealis
variables. The most striking
feature of the light-curve
of the typical R Coronae
Borealis variable shown
here is that its magnitude
remains more or less
constant, but then at
unpredictable intervals
the magnitude plunges
sharply to a deep, but brief,
minimum. R Coronae, for
example, is normally of

the amplitudes are smaller
and the rise to maximum
is slower. Stars of the third

class have symmetrical
light-curves and periods
of some 0.3 days.

Cepheid variables of
Population II, which are
of similar kind but are less

luminous; these are now
known as W Virginis

maxima the magnitude never
exceeds 4. Most long-period
variables are red giants of

spectral type M or later: and
there is no Cepheid-type
period–luminosity law.

there is no semblance of
regularity. RV Tauri stars
are rare; the light-curve of

a well-known member of the
class, AC Herculis, is shown
in the diagram here.

stars are U Geminorum and
SS Cygni (light-curve shown
here) which has outbursts

approximately every 40
days, when its magnitude
increases from 12 to 8.25.

around magnitude 6, but
it may drop to below even
magnitude 14; for long
periods it may remain at
its maximum. R Coronae
variables are rare. Only six

of them so far observed – R
Coronae itself, UW Centauri,
RY Sagittarii, SU Tauri and
RS Telescopii – can exceed
the 10th magnitude at their
maximum brightness.





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