Philips Atlas of the Universe

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Jupiter 114
Mars 63, 84
Neptune 130
photography 79, 98, 113
reconstruction of images 109
Saturn 114
stellar spectra 173, 177, 218,
Triton 132
Uranus 122, 124
Venus 70
see alsoSpectroscopy
Columba (constellation) 249
Columbus, Christopher 12
Coma cluster 195
Coma Berenices (constellation)
Comets 34, 138, 139, 140, 142,
144–5, 162, 250
annual shower 138
and asteroids 92, 139
collisions 137, 142
companion 139
‘dead’ 92
discoveries 138, 139, 181
epidemics caused by 142
first photograph 142
Jupiter’s effect 137, 139
life span 138
listed 139, 143
magnitude, estimation 139
and meteor showers 138
‘mislaid’ 139
near-circular paths, with 139
nomenclature 138
Oort Cloud 137, 139
orbits 34, 138
calculation 143
changed by Jupiter 139
periodical listed 139
and planetesimals 137
predicting 34
short-period 139
splitting 139
Sun, drawn into 137
tails 138, 142
variable brightness 139
Biela’s 139
Borrelly 25, 145
Brooks 2 139
Comet P/Grigg–Skjellerup 140
Comet P/Swift–Tuttle 138
de Chéseaux, Comet of 1744
Encke’s seeEncke’s Comet
Giacobini–Zinner 146
Great 142–3
Comet Arend-Roland 142
Daylight Comet of 1910
142, 145
Donati’s Comet 142, 143
Great Comet of 1811 138
Great Comet of 1843 142,
Great Southern Comet of
1882 142
Hale–Bopp 34, 143, 144–5,
145, 265
Hyakutake 143, 144, 265
Ikeya–Seki 143
Kohoutek’s 143
listed 143
Skjellerup–Maristany of
1927 143
Tebbutt’s Comet 142
Halley’s seeHalley’s Comet
Holmes’ 139
Lexell’s 138
Neat’s 138
P/Grigg–Skjellerup 141
Schwassmann–Wachmann 1

Shoemaker–Levy 9 139
Swift–Tuttle 138, 146, 147
Tempel–Tuttle 146
Thatcher’s 146
West’s 138
Wild 2 145
Wilson–Harrington 92, 139
Cone Nebula 31, 249
Conjunctions 62, 94
Conrad, Charles ‘Pete’ 50
Constellations 12
changing patterns 167, 171
Chinese 166
classes of magnitude 166–7
depicted by de Vecchi and
da Reggio 211
Egyptian 166
finding 264
Greek 166
Herschel’s opinion 166
identification systems 166
map of northern 212
map of southern 213
new groups 166
nomenclature 166, 212, 213
rejected 146, 166, 213, 219,
224, 231, 236–7
seasonal maps north 214–5
seasonal maps south 216–7
sizes compared 230
Andromeda 240
Antlia 254
Apus 261
Aquarius 244–5
Aquila 234
Ara 256–7
Aries 168, 240–1
Auriga 252–3
Boötes 224
Caelum 260
Camelopardalis 223
Cancer 227
Canis Major 167, 248
Canis Minor 248–9
Capricornus 244
Carina 254
Cassiopeia 199, 217, 222
Centaurus 256
Cepheus 222–3
Cetus 217, 246
Chamaeleon 261
Circinus 256
Columba 249
Coma Berenices 225
Corona Australis 239
Corona Borealis 224–5
Corvus 231
Crater 231
Crux Australis (Southern
Cross) 164–5, 166, 167, 169,
177, 186, 216, 254, 256
Cygnus 166, 170, 232
Delphinus 234
Dorado 260
Draco 36, 168, 220–1
Equuleus 234
Eridanus (northern) 246–7
Eridanus (southern) 217, 260
Fornax 247
Gemini 177, 251
Grus 258
Hercules 234–5
Horologium 260
Hydra 230–1
Hydrus 260–1
Indus 259
Lacerta 223
Leo 167, 215, 226–7
Leo Minor 219
Lepus 249
Libra 229
Lupus 256–7

Lynx 252–3
Lyra 36, 168, 232
Mensa 261
Microscopium 259
Monoceros 172, 249
Musca 261
Norma 256–7
Octans 261
Ophiuchus 62, 168, 236–7
Orion 166, 170, 215, 248, 264,
Pavo 259
Pegasus 215, 217, 242–3
Perseus 166, 241
Phoenix 258
Pictor 254–5
Pisces 168, 242–3
Piscis Australis 245
Puppis 215, 255
Pyxis 254
Reticulum 260
Sagitta 234
Sagittarius 166, 196, 238–9
Scorpius 217, 238
Sculptor 31, 259
Scutum 234
Serpens 174, 237
Sextans 227
Southern Cross 166, 167
Taurus 250–1
Telescopium 166, 256–7
Triangulum 166, 240
Triangulum Australe 256
Tucana 258–9
Ursa Major 166, 169, 171,
215, 217, 218–9
Ursa Minor 36, 168, 220–1
Vela 254
Virgo 228, 231
Volans 255
Vulpecula 234
Copernicus (Mikolaj Kopernik)
12, 14
Corona Australis (constellation)
Corona Borealis (constellation)
‘Coronae’ on Miranda 127
Corvus (constellation) 231
Cosmic cannibalism 201
Cosmic rays 20
cosmological constant 207
Crab Nebula 182, 183, 188, 191,
Crater (constellation) 231
on asteroids 93
Callisto 104, 107
Ganymede 104, 107
Halley’s Comet 141
impact 78
Mars 72, 78–9
Mercury 65, 66–7, 72
morphology 66–7
ray-centres 107
Saturn, satellites of 118–9
Uranus, satellites of 127
Venus 72
see alsoMeteorite craters
Crux Australis (Southern Cross)
(constellation) 164–5, 166,
167, 169, 177, 186, 216, 254,
Culmination 168
Cygnus X-1 184, 189
Cygnus (constellation) 166, 170,

Damoiseau, Charles 139
Danielson, E. 141

dark energy 207
D’Arrest, Heinrich 80, 130
Davis, John 172
Davis, Ray 155
De Chéseaux 142, 251
De Revolutionibus Orbium
Coelestium(Copernicus) 12
Declination 168, 214–5
Deimos (satellite of Mars) 80–1
origin 81
size 81
surface 81
transits 81
Delphinus (constellation) 234
Delta Cephei (pulsating variable
star) 178
Delta Librae (eclipsing binary
star) 178
Deneb (supergiant star) 189,
217, 232
Digges, Leonard 14
Dione (satellite of Saturn) 116,
117, 118, 119
Diphda (K-type star) 246
Dollfus, A. 60
Doppler shifts 171, 195, 202
Dorado (constellation) 260
Draco (constellation) 36, 168,
Draconis (Thuban) (star) 220–1
Dreyer, J. L. E. 186
Dubhe (star) 166, 218
Duke, Charles (astronaut) 50
Dumbbell Nebula seeM27
Dunlop, J. 259

Eaglelunar module 50
Eagle Nebula 174
Earth 34, 35
asteroids 92
atmosphere 36
composition 40
layers 40, 41
noctilucent clouds 40, 41
ozone 40
temperature 40
aurorae 40–1
axis 168
comet, collision with 142
core 38
crust 38
dinosaurs, extinction of 36
early theories 12
earthquakes 38–9
end of 36
equator 168
geocorona 40
geological record 36
history 36, 37
Ice Ages 36
life on
conditions for 36
extinction 36
oldest examples 37
origins 36, 208
magnetosphere 41, 98
man’s treatment of 208
compared 76
distance from 76
lunar eclipse 43
relationship to 42–3
view from 40
viewed from Earth 48, 51
orbit 12, 36
star distance, calculation of
planetary data listed 35
plate tectonics 38

precession 36, 168
relation to universe 195
seasons 37
seismic-wave types 38, 39
shape 169, 255
size measured 12
speed of movement 196
tectonic plates 38
temperature 38
tides 42–3
vulcanism 38, 39
Eclipses 160
lunar 43
photography 161
solar 160–1
dates of future 160
stars 178
Ecliptic 168
Edgeworth, K 137
Einstein, Albert 202
Einstein Cross 202, 203
Electrical flux tube 102
Electroglow 124
Electromagnetic spectrum 20, 21
telescopes 20
most common 159
spectra of 159
Emission spectrum 159
Enceladus (satellite of Saturn)
111, 113, 116, 118
Encke, J. F. 139
Encke Division seeSaturn (ring
Encke’s Comet 139, 146
discovery 139
future of 139
orbit 139
Epimetheus (satellite of Saturn)
Epsilon Eridani 208
Equinoxes 37, 168
Equuleus (constellation) 234
Eratosthenes of Cyrene 12
Eridanus, northern
(constellation) 246–7
Eridanus, southern
(constellation) 217, 260
Erinome (satellite of Jupiter)
Eros (asteroid) 90, 92, 93
Eskimo Nebula 251
Eta Carinae (star) 172, 179, 193
Eta Carinae Nebula 192–3
Eta Cygni (star) 184
Europa (satellite of Jupiter) 99,
104, 105
amateur observation 103
composition 102
illustrated 99, 105
orbit 103
structure 102, 104, 105
surface features 104, 105, 106
European Space Agency 30, 136
Evans, Rev. Robert 256
Exhalation of Piled-up Corpses
see M44
Extinction 248
Extinction table 243
Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
(ETI) 208–9
extra-solar planets 208

51 Pegasi 208, 242
False Cross 254
First Point of Aries (Vernal
Equinox) 168
First Point of Libra (Autumnal
Equinox) 168
Flame Nebula 189


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