V enus
Four photographs of
Venustaken on the same
scale. As the phase shrinks,
the apparent diameter
▲ Venusdrawn with my
31-cm (12^1 / 2 -inch) reflector.
All that could be seen were
very vague, cloudy shadings
which are necessarily rather
exaggerated in the sketch,
together with slightly
brighter areas near the
cusps. The terminator
appeared essentially smooth.
The internal structure of
Venus may not be too unlike
that of the Earth, but with a
thicker crust and an iron-rich
core which is smaller both
relatively and absolutely.
There is no detectable
magnetic field and, like
Mercury, Venus has no
enus, the second planet in order of distance from the
Sun, is as different from Mercury as it could possibly
be. It is far brighter than any other star or planet, and can
cast strong shadows; very keen-sighted people can see the
phase with the naked eye during the crescent stage, and
binoculars show it easily. Yet telescopically Venus is a
disappointment. Little can be seen, and generally the disk
appears blank. We are looking not at a solid surface, but at
the top of a layer of cloud which never clears. Before the
Space Age, we knew very little about Venus as a world.
We knew the size and mass; Venus is only very slightly
inferior to the Earth, so that the two are near-twins. The
orbital period is 224.7 days, and the path round the Sun is
almost circular. Estimates of the rotation period ranged
from less than 24 hours up to many months, but the
favoured value was about a month. The vague shadings
sometimes visible on the disk were much too indefinite to
give any reliable results. There was also the Ashen Light,
or dim visibility of the ‘night’ side, when Venus was in
the crescent phase. It seemed to be real, but few people
agreed with the 19th-century astronomer Franz von Paula
Gruithuisen that it might be due to illuminations on the
planet’s surface lit by the local inhabitants to celebrate
the accession of a new emperor!
It was suggested that Venus might be in the condition
of the Earth during the Coal Forest period, with swamps
and luxuriant vegetation of the fern and horse-tail variety;
as recently as the early 1960s many astronomers were
confident that the surface was mainly covered with water,
though it was also thought possible that the surface
temperature was high enough to turn Venus into a raging
dust-desert. Certainly it had been established that the
upper part of the atmosphere, at least, was made up mainly
of carbon dioxide, which tends to shut in the Sun’s heat.
The first positive information came in December 1962,
when the American spacecraft Mariner 2 passed by Venus
at a range of less than 35,000 kilometres (21,800 miles)
and sent back data which at once disposed of the attractive
‘ocean’ theory. In 1970 the Russians managed to make
a controlled landing with Venera 7, which transmitted
for 23 minutes before being put out of action, and on
21 October 1975 another Russian probe, Venera 9, sent
back the first picture direct from the surface. It showed a
forbidding, rock-strewn landscape, and although the rocks
are grey they appear orange by reflection from the clouds
above. The atmospheric pressure was found to be around
90 times that of the Earth’s air at sea level, and the tem-
perature is over 480°C.
Radar measurements have shown that the rotation
period is 243.2 days – longer than Venus’ ‘year’; more-
over, the planet rotates from east to west, in a sense opposite
to that of the Earth. If it were possible to see the Sun from
the surface of Venus, it would rise in the west and set in the
east 118 Earth-days later, so that in its way the calendar of
Venus is every bit as strange as that of Mercury. The reason
for this retrograde rotation is not known. According to one
theory, Venus was hit by a massive body early in its evol-
ution and literally knocked over. This does not sound very
plausible, but it is not easy to think of anything better.
It has been found that the top of the atmosphere lies
around 400 kilometres (250 miles) above the surface, and
that the upper clouds have a rotation period of only 4 days.
The upper clouds lie at an altitude of 70 kilometres (44
miles), and there are several definite cloud-layers, though
below 30 kilometres (19 miles) the atmosphere is relatively
clear and calm. The atmosphere’s main constituent is
indeed carbon dioxide, accounting for over 96 per cent of
the whole; most of the rest is nitrogen. The clouds are rich
in sulphuric acid; at some levels there must be sulphuric
acid ‘rain’ which evaporates before reaching ground level.
Sidereal period 224.701 days
Rotation period 243.16 days
Mean orbital velocity 35.02 km/s (21.76 miles/s)
Orbital inclination 3°23’ 39”.8
Orbital eccentricity 0.007
Apparent diameter max. 65”.2
min. 9”.5
mean 37”.3
Reciprocal mass, Sun = 1 408,520
Density, water = 1 5.25
Mass, Earth = 1 0.815
Volume, Earth = 1 0.86
Escape velocity 10.36 km/s (6.43 miles/s)
Surface gravity, Earth = 1 0.903
Mean surface temperature cloud-tops 33°C
surface 480°C
Oblateness 0
Albedo 0.76
Maximum magnitude 4.4
Diameter 12,104 km (7523 miles)
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