Philips Atlas of the Universe

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




upiter, first of the giant planets, lies well beyond the
main asteroid zone. It is the senior member of the Sun’s
family; indeed, it has been said that the Solar System is
made up of the Sun, Jupiter and various minor bodies.
Though it has only^1 / 1047 of the mass of the Sun, it is
more massive than all the other planets combined. Despite
its distance, it shines more brightly than any other planet
apart from Venus and, very occasionally, Mars.
A casual look at Jupiter through a telescope is
enough to show that it is quite unlike the Earth or Mars.
Its surface is made up of gas; it is yellow, and is crossed
by dark streaks which are always called cloud belts. The
disk is obviously flattened, because of the rapid rotation.
Jupiter’s ‘year’ is almost 12 times ours, but the ‘day’
amounts to less than ten hours, and this makes the equator
bulge out; the polar diameter is over 10,000 kilometres
(over 6200 miles) shorter than the diameter measured
through the equator. With Earth, the difference is a mere
42 kilometres (26 miles). Jupiter is almost ‘upright’; the
axial tilt is only just over 3 degrees to the perpendicular.
Until less than a century ago it was believed that the
giant planets were miniature suns, warming their satellite
systems. In fact the outer clouds are very cold indeed.
According to the latest theoretical models, Jupiter has a
silicate central core about 15 times as massive as the
Earth, and this is admittedly hot; the temperature is rather
uncertain, but 30,000 degrees C may be reasonably near
the truth. Around the core there is a thick shell of liquid
hydrogen, so compressed that it takes on the characteris-
tics of a metal. Further away from the centre there is a
shell of liquid molecular hydrogen, and above this comes
the gaseous atmosphere, which is of the order of 1000
kilometres (over 600 miles) deep, and is made
up of well over 80 per cent hydrogen; most of the rest
is helium, with traces of other elements. Spectroscopic

analysis shows evidence of uninviting hydrogen com-
pounds such as ammonia and methane.
It is no surprise to find that Jupiter consists mainly of
hydrogen, which is, after all, much the most abundant
element in the universe. In its make-up Jupiter is not very
unlike the Sun, but it would be misleading to describe it as
a ‘failed star’. For stellar nuclear reactions to be triggered,
the temperature must reach 10 million degrees C.
It has been found that Jupiter sends out 1.7 times as
much energy as it would do if it depended entirely upon
what it receives from the Sun. This is probably because it
has not had time to lose all the heat built up during its for-
mation, between four and five thousand million years ago

  • though it has also been suggested that the excess may be
    gravitational energy, produced because Jupiter is slowly
    contracting at a rate of less than a millimetre per year.
    The Jovian atmosphere is in constant turmoil. It seems
    that there are several cloud layers, of which one, at a
    considerable depth, may be made up of water droplets –
    with a giant planet it is not easy to define just where the
    ‘atmosphere’ ends and the real body of the planet begins!
    Higher up there are cloud layers of ice crystals, ammonia
    crystals and ammonium hydrosulphide crystals.
    Jupiter is a powerful source of radio waves; this was
    discovered in 1955 by American researchers (it must be
    admitted that the discovery was accidental). The main
    emissions are concentrated in wavelengths of tens of
    metres (decametric) and tenths of metres (decimetric), and
    from their variations it seems that the rotation period of
    the Jovian core is 9 hours 55.5 minutes. It was also
    found, very unexpectedly, that the decametric radiation is
    affected by the position in orbit of Io, Jupiter’s innermost
    large satellite – for reasons which did not become clear
    until the space missions of the 1970s showed that Io is a
    violently volcanic world.

▼ Three views of Jupiter:
photographs taken from the
Cassini vehicle in October

  1. The effects of the
    planet’s rotation are very
    evident. The Great Red Spot
    can be seen towards the east
    (right) in the first frame, but
    has moved out of view on to
    the night side by the next
    frame. Ammonia clouds are
    responsible for the white
    colour of the equatorial zone.

Conjunction of Venus
and Jupiter, June 1991.
The two planets are seen
close together low in the
sky; the bright red glow
is an inconvenient light
from a neighbouring house!
The picture was taken from
Selsey, in Sussex. Planetary
conjunctions are not
uncommon, but the actual
occultation of one planet by
another is a very rare event.

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