The Sun 97
FIGURE 24 Large Angle Solar COronagraph (LASCO) C3 image of a halo CME of May 6, 1998
(top); an erupting prominence of June 2, 1998, 13:31 UT (bottom left); and a large CME of
November 6, 1997, 12:36 UT (bottom right). (Courtesy ofSoHO/LASCO and NASA.)
7. Final Comments
The study of the Sun, our nearest Star, is systematically
moving from morphological observations (sunspots, active
regions, filaments, flares, CMEs) to a more physics-based
modeling and theoretical understanding, in terms of nuclear
physics, magneto-convection, magneto-hydrodynamics,
magnetic reconnection, and particle physics processes.
The major impact of physics-based modeling came from
the multiwavelength observations from solar-dedicated