Encyclopedia of the Solar System 2nd ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The Solar Wind 113

10 -4

10 -2







F(W) Phase Space Density ACE Quiet 98 55-120


3 /k m

6 )

W Ion Speed/Solar Wind Speed

Quiet periods only





(a) (b)

FIGURE 13 (a) A cut through a solar wind ion count spectrum parallel to the magnetic field. The
first two peaks are protons, and the second two peaks are alpha particles. (The velocity scale for the
alpha particles has been increased by a factor of 1.4.) Both the proton and alpha particle spectra
show clear evidence for a secondary beam of particles streaming along the field relative to the main
solar wind beam at about the Alfv ́en speed. Such secondary beams, not always well resolved, are
common in both the low and the high-speed wind. (From J. R. Asbridge et al., 1974,Solar Phys. 37 ,
451.) (b) Solar wind speed distributions of H+,He^2 +, and He+observed in the low-speed solar wind
at 1 AU, averaged over a 65-day period in 1998 and excluding intervals of shocks and other
disturbances. Such extended suprathermal tails appear to be ubiquitous in the low-speed solar wind.
The He+ions are primarily of interstellar origin. (From G. Gloeckler et al., Acceleration and
transport of energetic particles observed in the heliosphere, in Mewaldt et al., 2000.)

(a) (b)

FIGURE 14 (a) One-dimensional
cut through a solar wind electron
distribution showing the thermal
and suprathermal populations. (b)
Suprathermal electron pitch angle
distribution (relative to the
magnetic field) showing the
field-aligned strahl and the nearly
isotropic halo components.
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