Encyclopedia of the Solar System 2nd ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
100-C 25-C 50-C 75-C C+M 50-C+M C+Y 50-C+Y M+Y 50-M+Y 100-M 25-M 50-M 75-M 100-Y 25-Y 50-Y 75-Y 100-K 25-K 25-19-19 50-K50-40-40 75-K 75-64-64


Venus: Surface and


Suzanne E. Smrekar

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California

Ellen R. Stofan

Proxemy Research
Rectortown, Virginia

  1. History of Venus Exploration 4. Interior Processes 7. Tectonics

  2. General Characteristics 5. Composition 8. Summary

  3. Impact Craters and Resurfacing History 6. Volcanism Bibliography


enus plays a pivotal role in understanding the evolution
of the terrestrial planets, the four rocky bodies closest
to the Sun. Venus is the planet most similar to the Earth
in terms of radius and density, implying a very similar bulk
composition. Because terrestrial planets have all formed via
the same process, condensing out of the solar nebula, the
primary factor that distinguishes them is their size, and to a
lesser extent, distance from the Sun. The energy available to
drive geologic evolution comes from the heat of accretion
and from decay of radiogenic isotopes. Over time, radio-
genic decay becomes more dominant. Thus, larger planets
have a greater abundance of radiogenic elements and can be
expected to be geologically active longer. Earth has abun-
dant geologic activity today. We are uncertain about the
present-day level of activity on Venus, but it has clearly been
extremely active within the last billion years. The majority
of geologic activity on Mars occurred over 3 Ga (billion
years) ago. Mercury has not been active since the earli-
est part of solar system evolution, the heavy bombardment
era. [SeePlanetary Impacts.] Most importantly, Venus
has evolved without the system of plate tectonics that gov-
erns the pattern of geologic activity on the Earth. Clearly,
size is important in determining the duration of geologic
activity, but other factors must affect the overall style of
geologic evolution. The atmospheric conditions on Venus
are also wildly different from those on Earth. The green-
house effect, in which abundant carbon dioxide causes the

atmosphere to heat up, was discovered on Venus. Its thick,
dense atmosphere gives Venus a surface temperature of
about 468◦C (874◦F), and a pressure 90 times greater than
Earth’s. For this reason, Venus has been called Earth’s “evil
Volatiles on a planet are essentially the link between the
atmosphere, the surface, and the interior, as well as an es-
sential element in the habitability. A planet’s atmosphere
forms primarily through the outgassing of volatiles from the
interior. Outgassing results from the eruption and degassing
of lava onto the surface. The rate of resurfacing is a function
of the broad-scale geologic processes operating on a planet.
These processes are driven by heat loss from the interior,
which is primarily fueled by decay of radioactive elements.
The interiors of the larger terrestrial planets are hot enough
to convect, allowing hot material to rise and cold material to
sink on timescales of millions of years. On Earth, convec-
tion is linked to surface processes via the process ofplate
tectonics. The presence of water in the interior of Earth
acts to reduce the strength of the rock, which in turn allows
the exterior shell of the Earth to be broken up into plates.
As plates are pushed back into the interior, water is recycled
back into the interior. Volatiles on Earth are also strongly
affected by both the hydrosphere and the biosphere, both
lacking on Venus.
Although plate tectonics has controlled the evolution of
Earth for at least 3 Ga, Venus has no trace of such a process.

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