34 Encyclopedia of the Solar System
been similar to that of the Sun today. The challenge is there-
fore to explain how it is possible that a disk that formed gas
giant objects like Jupiter and Saturn, also generated rocky
terrestrial planets like the Earth (Fig. 4).
Most meteorites are thought to come from parent bod-
ies in the Main Asteroid Belt that formed during the first
few million years of the solar system. As a result, these
objects carry a record of processes that occurred in the so-
lar nebula during the formation of the planets. In a few
cases, the trajectories of falling meteorites have been used
to establish that they arrived on orbits coming from the As-
teroid Belt. Most other meteorites are deduced to come
from asteroids based on their age and composition. IDPs
are thought to come from both asteroids and comets. A
few meteorites did not originate in the Asteroid Belt. The
young ages and noble-gas abundances of the Shergottite–
Nakhlite–Chassignite (SNC) meteorites suggest they come
from Mars. A few dozen SNC meteorites have been found
to date, and a comparable number of lunar meteorites from
the Moon are also known.
The Earth is currently accumulating meteoritic material
at the rate of about 5× 107 kg/year. At this rate, it would
take more than 10^17 years to obtain the Earth’s current mass
of 5.97× 1024 kg, which is much longer than the age of
the universe. Even though it is thought that the Earth did
form as the result of the accumulation of smaller bodies, it
is clear that the rate of impacts was much higher while the
planets were forming than it is today.
Broadly speaking, meteorites can be divided into three
types: chondrites, achondrites, and irons, which can be dis-
tinguished as follows:
- Chondritesare mixtures of grains from submicron-
sized dust to millimeter- to centimeter-sized particles
of rock and metal, apparently assembled in the solar
nebula. Most elements in chondrites are present in
broadly similar ratios to those in the Sun, with the ex-
ception of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and the noble
gases, which are all highly depleted. For this reason,
chondrites have long been viewed as representative
of the dust and debris in the circumstellar disk from
which the planets formed. So, for example, refractory
elements that would have resided in solid phases in
the solar nebula have chondritic (and therefore so-
lar) relative proportions in the Earth, even though
the volatile elements are vastly depleted. The non-
metallic components of chondrites are mostly sili-
cates such as olivine and pyroxene.Chondrulesare
a major component of most chondrites (see Fig. 6).
These are roughly millimeter-sized rounded beads
of rock that formed by melting, either partially or
completely. Their mineral-grain textures suggest they
cooled over a period of a few hours, presumably in the
nebula, with the heating possibly caused by passage
FIGURE 6 Chondrules are spherical objects, sometimes partly
flattened and composed of mafic silicate minerals, metal, and
oxides. They are thought to form by sudden (flash) heating in the
solar nebula. Some formed as much as 3 Ma after the start of the
solar system. (Photograph courtesy of Drs. M. Grady and S.
Russell and the Natural History Museum, London.)
through shock waves in the nebular gas. Some chon-
drules are thought to have formed later in collisions
between planetary objects. Most chondrites also con-
taincalcium-aluminum-rich inclusions(CAIs, see
Fig. 7), which have chemical compositions similar to
those predicted for objects that condensed from a
gas of roughly solar composition at very high tem-
peratures. It is possible that CAIs formed in the very
FIGURE 7 Calcium–aluminum refractory inclusions are found
in chondrite meteorites and are thought to be the earliest objects
that formed within our solar system. They have a chemical
composition consistent with condensation from a hot gas of solar
composition. How they formed exactly is unclear, but some have
suggested they were produced close in to the Sun and then
scattered across the disk. (Photograph courtesy of Drs. M. Grady
and S. Russell and the Natural History Museum, London.)