Encyclopedia of the Solar System 2nd ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
798 Encyclopedia of the Solar System

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Time (Jupiter periods)

FIGURE 9 The eccentricity as a function of time for an
object moving in a chaotic orbit started just outside the
7:4 resonance with Jupiter. The plot was obtained by
solving the circular restricted three-body problem
numerically using initial values of 0.6984 and 0.1967 for
the semimajor axis and eccentricity, respectively. The
corresponding position and velocity in the rotating frame
werex 0 =0.56,y 0 =0,x ̇ 0 =0, andy ̇=0.8998.

The rate of divergence of nearby trajectories in such
numerical experiments can be quantified by monitoring
the evolution of two orbits that are started close together.
In a dynamical system such as the three-body problem,
there are a number of quantities called theLyapunov
characteristic exponents. A measurement of the local di-
vergence of nearby trajectories leads to an estimate of the
largest of these exponents, and this can be used to deter-
mine whether or not the system is chaotic. If two orbits are
separated in phase space by a distanced 0 at timet 0 , andd
is their separation at timet, then the orbit is chaotic if

d=d 0 expγ(t−t 0 ), (42)

whereγis a positive quantity equal to the maximum Lya-
punov characteristic exponent. However, in practice the
Lyapunov characteristic exponents can only be derived
analytically for a few idealized systems. For practical prob-
lems in the solar system,γcan be estimated from the results

of a numerical integration by writing


ln(d/d 0 )
t−t 0


and monitoring the behavior ofγ with time. A plot ofγ
as a function of time on a log–log scale reveals a striking
difference between regular and chaotic trajectories. For
regular orbits,d≈d 0 and a log–log plot has a slope of –1.
However, if the orbit is chaotic, thenγtends to a constant
non-zero value. This method may not always work because
γ is defined only in the limit ast→∞and sometimes
chaotic orbits may give the appearance of being regular
orbits for long periods of time by sticking close to the edges
of the islands.
If the nearby trajectory drifts too far from the original
one, thenγis no longer a measure of the local divergence
of the orbits. To overcome this problem, it helps to rescale
the separation of the nearby trajectory at fixed intervals. Fig-
ure 13 shows logγas a function of logtcalculated using this

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Semimajor axis

Time (Jupiter periods)

FIGURE 10 The semimajor axis as a function of
time for an object using the same starting
conditions as in Fig. 9. The units of the semimajor
axis are such that Jupiter’s semimajor axis (5.202
AU) is taken to be unity.
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