800 Encyclopedia of the Solar System
method for the regular and chaotic orbits described here.
This leads to an estimate ofγ= 10 −^0.^77 (Jupiter periods)−^1
for the maximum Lyapunov characteristic exponent of the
chaotic orbit. The corresponding Lyapunov time is given by
1/γ, or in this case∼6 Jupiter periods. This indicates that
for this starting condition the chaotic nature of the orbit
quickly becomes apparent.
It is important to realize that a chaotic orbit is not neces-
sarily unbounded. The maximum Lyapunov characteristic
exponent concerns local divergence and provides no in-
formation about the global stability of the trajectory. The
phrase “wandering on a leash” is an apt description of ob-
jects on bounded chaotic orbits—the motion is contained
but yet chaotic at the same time. Another consideration is
that numerical explorations of chaotic systems have many
pitfalls both in how the physical system is modeled and
whether or not the model provides an accurate portrayal of
the real system.
The extent of the chaotic regions of the phase space of a dy-
namical system can depend on a number of factors. In the
case of the circular restricted three-body problem, the crit-
ical quantities are the values of the Jacobi constant and the
mass ratioμ 2. In Figs. 14 and 15, ten trajectories are shown
for each of two different values of the Jacobi constant. In
the first case (Fig. 14), the value isC=3.07 (the same as
the value used in Figs. 8 and 11), whereas in Fig. 15 it is
C=3.13. It is clear that the extent of the chaos is reduced
in Fig. 15. The value ofCin the circular restricted problem
determines how close the asteroid can get to Jupiter. Larger
values ofCcorrespond to orbits with greater minimum dis-
tances from Jupiter. For the caseμ 2 =0.001 andC> 3 .04,
it is impossible for their orbits to intersect, although the
perturbations can still be significant.
Close inspection of the separatrices in Figs. 14 and 15
reveals that they consist of chaotic regions with regular re-
gions on either side. As the value of the Jacobi constant de-
creases, the extent of the chaotic separatrices increases until
the regular curves separating adjacent resonances are bro-
ken down and neighboring chaotic regions begin to merge.
This can be thought of as the overlap of adjacent resonances
giving rise to chaotic motion. It is this process that permits
chaotic orbits to explore regions of the phase space that
are inaccessible to the regular orbits. In the context of the
Sun–Jupiter–asteroid problem, this observation implies that
asteroids in certain orbits are capable of large excursions in
their orbital elements.
5. Orbital Evolution of Minor Bodies
5.1 Asteroids
With more than 130,000 accurately determined orbits and
one major perturber (the planet Jupiter), the asteroids pro-
vide a natural laboratory in which to study the consequences
of regular and chaotic motion. Using suitable approxima-
tions, asteroid motion can be studied analytically in some
special cases. However, it is frequently necessary to resort
to numerical integration. [SeeMain-BeltAsteroids.]
Investigations have shown that a number of asteroids
have orbits that result in close approaches to planets. Of
particular interest are asteroids such as 433 Eros, 1033
Ganymed, and 4179 Toutatis, because they are on orbits
0.4 0.6 0.8
. 2:1 3:2
C = 3.07
FIGURE 14 Representative surface of section
plots forx 0 =0.25, 0.29, 0.3, 0.45, 0.475, 0.5, 0.55,
0.56, 0.6, and 0.8 with=0,y 0 =0, and Jacobi
constantC=3.07. Each trajectory was followed
for a minimum of 500 crossing points. The plot
uses the points shown in Figs. 8 and 11 (although
the scales are different), as well as points from
other regular and chaotic orbits. The major
resonances are identified.