100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1








B()rn in Cbur.
Jaugbu,." a
mitral painu,-

Fa,"ily mot', '"
Sdr.::ar.:lm-g (""11>

T,.",-.iJ '" Rom"
Mila", 1m;""
Napl" and
florm«, finally
jolnr Sf LtltaT
A a"k1l1j. /{(I/'"

Mo,-,.,. Ii' EngllVld.
marri,s Ant""io
Zllrrbi. a Jm..till1l
pain" .. "".ring
,;:itb ,b, Adam

F(Junbr ,",,"Iv,.
"[l,,ndon, R.lyal

R"""", t. rUn
ma:=fol r1lU/i" in

Di" in /{"''''

F:.mily o f Feruinmd IV (/7SJ)
An ",·",,, .. dillllriiy larK' painting in t::bim ,b, r"1"/ f","i/y "[Sicily and
Naph "pp<ar Jifrriu, p""d ilgai_ a iandrrap< Tarb ... than ,b, ricb inu,.ior "
a paN"" Bringingtbildrm up in ,b, fr"dom and h<auryof rtlral mrroWU/ingr
j, a njlmion .flb. pbil<N!pby "iJ,,,n-]ac'luu Ro __ au


ngdiC. Kauffillann "' .... a I",'(""'o>n:ll Im;«,] to L>n<~>n ",,',he "ife "fthe English
" om'n in the age of the a"",,,."ur and Al1lb:l<S3.,k" in H. ..,i"". s"" p";nt,,d numerous
the fi",~ n) cho.llrngc s<riou,lythe m.le ponni,s in her first J'car -One sittt:r "''''' the
d,."ina,iofl of history l>linting. Dc::'1,in: Iwing famous actor .nd ,heatre ",.nager, ])a"id
barr,,1 fn. " d ... ",ing ,ho:: m.le nude_ Ofl ",hich the G arrick _ until she h.d sufficient funds to I>ur
"'mt:ntiofls of hi,,,. y p.inting n:,tt:d _ she her own house and ""uld 'urn to history
under ... "", S<"'I"",I J'calS of 1""I"""~>n in Italy p.inting. Promnt"j by Joshu. RL")'nolds,
IlCh"arr~inginLofl'~)f)"'theageof''''''''''y-fi,,:. Kauffm.nn bttame • fOlmder m':I"her of
A< a child pmdigy. Kauff,,"nn 'poL" ~Jur L')f)don's Roy.'! Academy of An, contribu ,ing
iangu:tges, piay"l music. nd abmt: all ,he coukl no k:w<r than four da,;siClI C<lO"p,>sitions.
p.in~ c<lO"I~eting h<r first """u"ission"j "". l Zuffany 1" intI:d 711, Awl""iaa"'"f,b, Royal
at the age of ,wel,t:. She , ... "cOed widely ",ith Acwlmry in 1772 to ",,,,u,,e,mr.tt: ,ho:: o"":lsion.
her fa,h<r, filling in the b:u::kgllJuntis nJ his lrllfliCllly, it ,,"" dt:cid,,1 that ,ho:: "lCmllClS wen:
mu ... ls. She "'>ntinu<,j to m::..::i,,, "",u"is,ions to be ar ... ngt:d around. nude male ,,>odd. so in
and est! bli,hed. "'I", .. tion in h<r '''''n righ~ ,.,icr nJ include tho:: 'wo w,."en aCl,k,,,ici'n< _
following 'he NeoclassiC'.1 example of ,he ,\hry ,\Io",r and K.uff""nn _ ZofEtnr
G erman p.in,er ,\Ienp.

E.ii>.:.li>eth IhrtlCJ' ~s Ilennio nc in A Wi"u,.. .. T,,/, (c.lnO)
E1i=<llNtb Hllrrlty "'ar ,,,,, </ lb, ,"oFt c&hr"ud actr,,,,,",, Ib, LIkId"" "ag'.
and 'P"ia/i;:rd in tragic Sba«?arian btrtJind. Muffm""n '"Ilk" tl!< '""'t
ofb,r ftriking rro bair, Imt "'i,hom a bim </ ,I!< cll/lip/,xi"" ,bat Hartlty
b",,/f d=ril!<d grapbiCilUy III '/r<d/,d al a tlJlld', 1!<1Iy"
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