100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Still Life of Fruit ~nd ~ Brone St:.otue (19 W) by ncnri " t. tisse
,llath" aUo,;:"J tb, ((J/oUTToftlN" obj«rr '" dietat, tb, fiTllll romp",ition,
ll'imn. g/lfdngfruitJ and bright urami" I,ap aUt from ,b, .""/ b«kgr""nd,
at ,IN "''", ti,", ","aining in"gral to tb, arrangnnmt, Mati"" r<p"d in tIN
"" <f nrt:ry in"",,,d pigrnmrr and tIN "JllJrati(Jt/ <f rolmT't """ti:~ pil!:.""

Vlami,..,l, IIra'JUe .nd othe' ~Jm,,::r stu,lcnts, he had m'N"lperm.nmtly to the erJl.: d 'Amr,
to cxperiment in the vi,id c"lourS and his ple"'ure in no1ting b.-ight c,~ourS OfltO
exaggerat,,1 "rle that ''"is c.II,,1 Jiam'ism. Cam'H culminated in SOme of his 1110St
,'htiss" "a,-dled south One Summer with su=«ful worb.
Dc",in to C<~lioure: and that ,,'" where he firSt
had the i,lca 6" his l",inting"TN Dana, while
w",ching fisher men dancing in • circle o n
the he1Ch.
After the F.mes, ,'hti>.'" hegan to wor!
with hold", shap'" and Sb"Oflg I",nern<. O n""

As an old man, ,'htiss/: underwent
a bdo minal surgery, which left him quite
dis.hled. Und.unted, he <."nte",d J'et an o ther
phas<: of c",ati,ity with s.impic coIour"j p"per
CUt_outs; and so, often h .... Jrid,lcn, he ""tried Ofl
making an nJ the 1,,-,,.
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