100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

,\ lill.is ti,..,d of 'l'tnding .11 <h}' p,inting .n .,..,.
'no b rgcr th. n • fn'c shilling pieCt:', He dttidcd
to I,.,«::n up his bru'hwo.-k and scttic down to
being. first-cla« .. c"demic p.in"". ,\ l ilbis ,,-!S
a brilli.nt «"hrUei:.tn but hi: " ... s no intdlc<1ual.
lie p.intcd politici.ns and sentimcnt.1
n",.,i,'cs without. traCt: of cynicism. lie
enjo)'<"<1 the wuhh and a" ... nls t/,.t his talcnt
ju,t/}, hrought him: <~Jt<,1 On his f.mil}, and
kcp' the lo}"I'}' and .lftttion of his fricnds.
e'p<..::ial~· t/,. t of his Il::lk,w a "i,ts,

0l,hdi:.o (1851_2)
Til< P",Rapbadi,,, 'rp<rimmud ,;:j,b ".'" ,"'" pigm'''' a:xJilabJ" gla=ing
,bn" for m/lXimum "'m;'l(J<iry, ""to cam'"," pr;,n,d 1::itb zinc ,;:bi", Ophcli.
had, lih a colour ,"",marlt '<catalog"" ,;:i,b irr ro/mJ, hi,,,, ,"add",lak.,
cbru,", pl/m;:, eMo,"ium arid, and zinc pUo,," ;\Iillai, Ivgan paiming tb,
Inxkgr<JUnd <Jilt if 00111, n<1U' Kingrtrm,up"n. Tham". Til< painting "'a,
cump/",d in London til< follo"'ing "'int'" Li=i, Siddnl til< Pr<-RapbM/i"
m"", ""aring an I1ntjq'" broa>d, K"t::n, bad '" Ii, in a balb of "'at", b,a"d
by oil lamp' from klot." "TN (Old ,b, caught at a "TId, brougbt tb, tM,at if
dnmagd again" til< arti" frum b", fatb",
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