100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

he.d with linea, featun:s. inclined Oil • long
neel. with the body quidJy brush,,1 in ochre.
,\lodigli.ni ".,IS destroying himself with
drug> .nd .I"oh(~. but Stib >tn-.eti,'e. as one
fm,.lc sitter dL"",rib<,t: · ... with I~..,l """led
hai, • nd the most beautiful hot. <hrl eyes.. his
red silk ",,,f ca,elessly knotted "ound his
neel.· lie " .... m"ried with a small daugh"',.
hut sJ,oelingly. two <hys .ft ..... his untimely
death. his l"cgn.nt widow Je.nne {'(."mined
suicide h). leaping frum. fifth_Ao(,.. window.

Reclining Nutle (1918_ 19 )
Early in 191 7, in ZhorIJt."skij apartm"", Modigl;i1ni painud a =-i"of
milk! ,bat ",sur,d bi, f""". '",Ikry mcnff, 8.,.,1!< lI'.il/ gat" bim a """_
man ,Ixmi in 1"N"'mivf; d<x,ibing ,b, mm" '" ·rump''''''''·. Tht! pair,
"'mmirrio= rapidly ,I<md ,b, g"'I<ry, outnlg,d !bat ,b, figur" bad 'bair',
Modiglitmi) nll/h ar. t'«up,,,,,,,, in tb," >culpt"'''' ,un...,s Imt ""'ff
;'u/u"". H, painud inumr.'<iy in tl!< la,., pan (Jfbi, lif" rifining ,I!<
f,m"', form in uniq'" (I)'"p",i,;"", ,ba' ami,,·, a barmonrou, Imlana
h<n....,,,, ,b, "OIi, inIlI ,I!< ""rbt!ric
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