14 JO(')
14 fS-u)
14 60-
14 7!
14 7f_
14 S'i_!
1490-1f 01
H 06
HI 6
B()rTl in J ~nj",
Jacopo B,l/ini
Gj"'."armi and
brOiM Gmli/.
"'gin ",..-k /lJ
J«opo" amrtll1llT
iIIa""gTlll mam"
!b,jr firm-and
INc"",,, /afting
In P",l1", ,;:irb
R""'*to J~nj""
",,,,.IT '"' flIT!
,"ai'F ",,,,mi,,i,,,,,
,;:o.-hOOp. Vi,;lT
Rim;,,; and
POllY., '"' "...-}
of lim tkr IIrydm
f],,"i,b "cbniq'"
t;:bm ilImi""
i"'rodt.'" .xl
paiming,,, J~Jlj"
f,m J ...... ,j""
paiming ",,,,,,.d
in oil gl"""
Painu panrailJ
and alk§'ri"ar
,,·,0 at ,,/igiow
Giorgi"" and
TiN'an am'"'g hi,
Viriud by Viirrr
j)j" in J'ro;"
Doge Leon.:..rtlo Lored:.n (c. IW /)
TIN ruJ.,. ofl Mi" ""an gold d","a,} nbs. "" imp",,<d
fabric tbat rignifi,d lb. proJp<riry <f J mie. ara ",,",",,,jill
"", .... B,Oini n!pruduaJ tb.1frcr by painting til< nuf"u
roughly in onl" li' alttb ,b, ligbl
im,anni Ikllini i. re'I><Jnsiblc for
.... ising the ,t3ndanJ of the \'cntti.n
s<·hool of I",inting to thc I><,;nt wherc
the city ri,'alled Floren,,, as • Centre of
RCn:l issanet: excellcn,". Ilis fAther, brother .nd
brothc:r·in_J.w W,TC .ni,,, tm, but it is the
latter, Andrc:l M~ntcgn:.o, who initi.lly Si>UIT"J
Ikllini On to p.inting J.nd=p'" and defining
the """"J of a picrurc.
Likc.1I his hali.n "mtL'''I_''''''es, Ikllini
was accustom"J to wor king in w .. te,_bas"J
"."1"1'=, eithc:r on w'><Hlen p.nck or pl,,-,,cr
walls. Ilow",'er, Onet: he had ""en the won: of
Rogier , ·.n dcr WC)..Jc n, he was .... ger to trphc
Flmli,h oil glaring tcchniq"" brought to \'eniet:
byAntondJ.,h,\lcssin. in 14i5.
Ikl~ni was always cxperimenting. No,,", with
thc rich tr1nsluet:nce of oil gJ.u:s at his
fingcnips _ r""c:lling nCw ,lepths n, lill"ilia,
colou rs .nd dL,nanding • diffLTCnt typc of
brushwo,k _ he un""'ercd • wc:llth of
possibiliti",. \ Vhcn Hellini learned how to
tnn'J.", the \ 'cneti.n pl.}' of light betwC,,, sky
and w.tCr, he h.d the key to all thc subde
hall"oni", .nd I.illi.nt ",lours that would
"'me to signifythc <ct.",1 "fVcniet: f,. the nCxt
",,' <"<-"Ilturi",.
Ikllini inn""n"",J the cou,,", uf Eur",can
p.inting through the l',ung p.interS
apl"""iet:d to his "".k.<I"". T"", "f the mo"
fAmous w,TC Giorgionc. nd Tit",n, wt.,"" later
""al,y he "",k in his ""de. On a ,'isit to \ 'eniet:
in 1505 , Diirt .. "1" " ""1. 'he is n:ry ,~d and "ill
he iSthe be" p.in,er of them all".