100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




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B()rn LiuixJv
S""K'Y"Tla Etling
in iII....-",,',
daugbu,. if a
StudS" und.,-
) it""

T,.", .. d, arlJiUld
Rwria and to /,a/y

SlUm" in Par",
''''t',h in Frana
and ludy

ExbihitJ t;:itb
Mal" .. irb in
'Tra1l11::ay V' and
'0. W' in

JC#nI ;\1aInTcb',

,rbibiting and
!b,tlt" ooi?"

Di« of "arl"
f"~r in ill"",,,,,

ArchitertonicComposition (1918)
Ala," aimr«! rtyl', pain"d in brilh'am "'/1JUrT
on rlJUgb b.Jard; grom.rr'ic ,hap's an rup<rimp""d
an a,,, QlUJtb.r '" <T,a" ,up,b. JV"b MaJ",icb arid
Ta,/in, Pop.",,, ". ..,-rb. mar! wrrtlltlding paim" of
tb, t-,.1914 RUni"" abstractionj",


allghter of • wealthy draper in
,\lose,,,,, .. Liuh<Jl' 1 )(1~"" initially
s bJdicd art ",·;,h I'ri"ltC '""'rS. She
"Is" had the "I,,(),nmity to tr",·d a gre .. dea)
",,)und EU" 1 'C and ","" intrudurcd to. b",ad
rang.: of in!hx:nttS. fi-(Mn Russian icons and the
It.lian Rt:naissan"" to the CutM,ts and F uturi'm.
When I'ol,o,'a wa. f"H,t,1 to "'turn 1.:",,1: at
thl: outb",ak of World Wa, L she wa< not a bne.

dynamic gt:,.,,{"tric c'." p",ition',
In the carly 1920s, Pop"'a's fa",in:! tion with
C.,structi,;.m rt:sulted in he, gi"ing up purl:
p'inting in fa,'our ofindusrrial d"'ign. RLfort:
h'" untimely dcath at the age of thirtr·fi",. she
had ",o.-ked in thcarre and Co"tume de,ign and
ll-" abo I""ding thl: de'ign studio that 'en'ed
the First S",re latill: Fa<10'Y in ,\ Io,,,ow.
Across Europe, in the early twentieth
Unlike a n ists in othet parts of Eu,ol"" who ""nn,,)", w,."en "ni,ts we'" more a<1i", in the
wert: di'p",,,,d, the Russians fow,,1 them"'h'''' "i,ual and perfo'ming an" than th<y had e""
"',mired, thereby fo .. "ing the mo't ~,nnidable been befo,e. Not only h,d they vined ",id",
a'"1nt.ga,de. At first, I'<'I'''' 'a wa< "ccuI,;ed with admission to trai ning hut they we,c in the
wo,ling thmugh the Cubi« and Futurist ~) ",fn""ofallthcn ... wanlm"{,,,ents.lnp' ... _
in'piration' that shl: had ' l:""i"l:d while ,""olution"'y Russia, women a"i.ts had
«udying in I'ari •. Ilo",e"", by Ia te 1916 , .he eq ... lity with men and thei, contributi,., .. .".
had joined the Sup,ematist. and .. "1, painting ,;tal tn thl: ad,~,",ing SCenl: of art and design.
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