100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

,cnderi ng of Ral>had'< Tb, ]udg,,",nr of Pari,
that sugge,~cd thc po", of ,\bnet's figurlS in
Dij""'''' Sur L'H.,.k (,,'cr thn::e ""nruries I. "',.
\ Vhcn 2<Signcd to thc Pap,,1 Cuurt. Raph:td
".,,, gi,.::n ch:t ~ of all major I)«~C"''' nut unly
p.intings but a,chi",,,,un:: and thc p'L"«:n,.,ion
of antiquitilS. Raph.eI wasn't a great inn"'"1tor
or di""".::n::,. r'" when he dicd at thirl}~""t:'"
his.,t ,howed an cmotional depth th., might
well h."e m"turcd to equ,1 th., of Leo""r.!o
and Michel:. .ngdo.

The Ikpo<ition of Christ (l 50 ?)
Rapb",1 pap oomag' to Micb,umgdo" Doni "Ii",do _ paim,d only tb,
Y''''" INfor' -ritb ,IN Jm"ling ';:<lln"" rdRiRg iNxk, hh Micb,langdo"
Virgin. /-Ii, d'/K',irion group b", ",~"mly d""'n«d i",lf fr(lln tb, ,en"
of drorb on tb, bill ""d ,b, body tb'Y an')' i, ba,,1y marhd /, iJ a pirtur'
;;:,tb all til< qualiti" tbat IJ.:/i","oir on", lit",d a, Rapba,/'r maR
adm"ah/,; 'bi, mar7.',lkJ", J<ibri"y; biH(Jil5Ulm In,a"",; "" nrrlt:'agana,
n. , .. I garity, "" tri"iality'
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