100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

any othe, as1"'''ts of art. All hi. life he hod
known how to ext,.,,,, the he,t from hi.
materials and he a,han",,1 n, a n)nalp,inting
stylc. using not only brush,,"'l'" hut "Iso hi.
fingL1"' a ,"Ipi<"'" of rlg (I><: d"imcd he did this
to a",id l(X)king lile Ra ph..cl). Th< l"Natb </
Acta",,, and Tarqui" and L"cr"ia arc 'wo
outstanding confi,ma,ions of Titian's I",e,
sup",,,,"cy. which I.,in, fon .... "] n) the I><:ics of
his innuence. among them mO" no'ably
D eh e roix. GoY". Remh,..~ndt. Re noir ,
Rubens. V:an D r"" and Vd."luc>'.

Ba.,.,hus :Inti Ari.dne (/522)
0", </ rM" mytbd"yjcal mbj<cn pai"ud for ,b. I)"h </ fmara r "u,~ol(j
bm:.w" 1518 and 152 5. fir tbi, pier","" TItia" jim pai"ud tb. barl:gro""d
i" fiJI. Eacb fimgrotlnd figur", .. ", tbm /iO.d i" ""ff a rilJxJ""" </ t; .. bin
ground, for ,b. richm colo"," 11m. Hi, pak'" in<ludd mOJ! </ ,b. pigmmn
hI"'~'n to ,I!< t:.whOOp, "ftl!< day. TI!< ' .. n!,",iti"" </ ,I!< painting itc .. npkr
bat '" rl:ilfiJly acaJmpJi,b.d tbat "'""7 d",,,1 of,1!< rmry ""fddJ rrno",bly aT
rh< 'Y' !TIlt'd, "'''ltd
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