100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

"1,1,,,,,,,,,cnt u,rr Supp<r It:., the T it;' n ther h.d
lost in. 6",. Vcrone", p",duced. n .. gnificent
wn,-k of .",h"". l'ilbrS .nd st:tir<":l.<CS. busding
with f,,4ion:tl~e l'e",le. scn~ntS ~nd dogs. In
the ",i,1I1e. <I ..... ,6:,d by th<;r surruunding<. sit
Je,us .. nd the "pOstles.
&6"" long, \'eru""'" 6)und hi",,,,lfbcfore
the lIoly O mce of the Inquisition. who
obje"'''1 to his i.Mt Stipp" i>ecou", it inclu,hl

'rne ,\hrri-.'ge:lt Co"" (d""il) (/ 562-6J)
Tb. """,ion </J._' Jim mirad., cbllrlging "-·a'.,. to u:i"" tu" pJae. againsr
a morltl1lurltal hacl:drop of diNral roionfllldn Tht! main pia)",," in tbi, "t_
pi." ,}riD"a u:"aJ,1 ba'" h«n uadily urognizahk. ti",. I h""'" indtukd
porrrairJofFro1l<i,1 </ha_, Mary </England and Cbarh V of!>"pain. Tb.
mwici"", an R(J'" Illb.,. ,ban Titian, I ~"'''''' bim"if pJil)'ing til< "iola, bi,
hrotb.r &",dmo, Tin",,,,,,,,, JiXopo BanJUlo IlrIlI Pall,.,}io

i"'''''crCTlt cle"'CTlt< not ",ention"j in the lIible.
lile ~ ;Cst<"I" with .. p.rro ... nd drunlt:n Gennan
s"I,licrS. Vcr"ne", stoutly dcfcnd<,j an .nist's
right to u'"' his i", .. ginatiln n) fill up the 'p.et:
On his C"m~S .nd .. "'''''I" "",i", ... as ,cach",1 hy
.hcring the tide to F"lJt in ,b. H",,,, </11,.;.
...hich the lIible s"J'S"'as .ttl:n,led 1lJ.' ·l'uh~c.ns
.nd sinnerS'. Vernncse "'''lS th:tnkful~' ", 1 ..... ""1
to ",bJm to his p.lette.
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