100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Noct",.", that p",,'oked R uskin's lit:..::llous
cO,,"nent .hout the 'I,ot of I'" int th",wn in the
public facc'. Whistlers Tn"" ohitu",)"
'ttountI:d wl}'Iy: Thc rrial w"1.< painful tt, many.
amu,ing to mo,e: in the end ,\I, Whistle,
ol"aincd ()f)C farthing dam.ges·, Rut it also
.ffinned: 'lic ..... s Sct UP(" .. painting .nd
etching wh. t he saw, with no ulteri(" thought of
ut~itr, 0' popularilj" 0' wh1t "'(lUld "h"lnee
him in l)(j,itiof) .nd <stcC",. "Art~" Art" .. the
docrrinc that \'histler 1 "(,(css,,land I".",i",d
to the md:

Arr~ngcmcnt in Grey:ln.l BL,,:! No.1: The Artis t's ,\Ioilicr (/871)
H'oim",', "".,.piling, puri"m moth", arrit"d tmin,.i"d from ,b. USA to
lit'H:itb b.,. 'm::n d.ar bllt,nfly" in bi, Ch</"a hom., and poud fir bim 0'"
day,;:b", h< bad"" '"(JIM. StIlnding1:"oUbard fir bn; '" h< "a"d bi,mo,b",
in profil. _ and an icon 1:"at ixnI, If-itb Japan." "/xx,, li'Oim.,. puin"d b",
a, an ,''''''''. arrang"""'t "'""',. H. u"d Mock aJrh< Im,i,,, bit pal"" tmd
m",b 'urpmtin., ,;:bicb JIlnk in", tb. unpupa"d CIlm'/H '" git·. a dulling
1frcr ,bat pJ.a"d bim. /, i, lI'oil1/"'" '"" ntnTa,it~,,., "nrim"'" appt"""cb,
tbat b", ",rnr.d hff tim<i<" appro)
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