100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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HH_ 54

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H6 1

H6 4


H 69


B()rn in Bru'l:b.1

Apprm';,,'} '"
I<rlding Anrarp
ani" C",d: '-/l1I

B"","" a Marur

T~ I!aly

S",p in Rom"
,,,,,-d, oom, ria
S,;:;". All"

1I· ... h in Anre,"p
'I;:itb Hi""''Ym'"
Cod, "'W"""
and f'lihJiJb<r

Pint painting,
]' ",,-c.-h,

MarTi« Mayl:m,
daugl,," <le_},
'liry m,/, in

Binh" ..... Pi,,",
A"I!UUJ ,;:udtby
parron. Niro/""
1011 gb_Ii".}

Bmb if ..... J an

Dj" in Bru=h

P..r~l>le of the Hli nd (d""il) (/ 568)
A dnail frllm Br""?'!'f /a rt major ,,,,,* rifffTing to Q quOl"';"" from
M"rtbro', ~"Pd: 'Iftb. Nind /rod ,11< Wind, ""'b mall fall into ,11< dirrb .. In
,bi, Rlkmn aU'gory for ,b, btunll1l fir""tion 'M 'Iring of unfon'''''''' P'"pJ"
,acb by dinging bJiT/tOy to lb. na:t, aT< jopardi=ing lb," 0"'11 wk-ation ra,bff
tban t..",king it aU! for ,bt-,""h~J


"'l1larlal>lC f"",.bout Pi",,,, Bruegel is ]'I'ntin the printrt. nd G(~tzius the eng""· .....
tha' .fte, " ,,,,,lIing nIL-n,i,'ciy in lral)· So i, would be ~ mistake to conlU", him with One
he returned fmnc t" then "'<IDne wor k of his I",.,..nt figu"'s,
in an unahe",d Flemish style. Ilis l tolian lie hegan p'inting c<,mpHa,j,'<:ly h,e,
sie,chbo"b were lUll of the g",nd<.." of thl: Pn"",'br ,h'es frum 1558. It «:t. I",,,ern f,.
All''' ",th~, th.n col,;es of Renai"'an"" ~rt. combining ,cal ism and imagina,inn, dnu],tlc;;s
H'''''gd the Elder .. "1< nidrnam"] '1'<"1<.nt" inspi,,,] by Hosch, Simil~rly. H,ucgel".
he""u.., he liked to go in di'gui", ~mnng ch~r1C,erS nftcn po,n' to mo",l. and m,ke
o"linary worung 1><'(JI~e, lIe ""1< actu:t Dy One s:niric~1 oh",,,,.,i<-.,,, On lill:" ahl>:,ugh Hmegel"s
o f ~ glllup of di'tinguished Flemi,h hwnani,tS, apl" ' '''c]' is '" ther ,m'" gentle tha n Hosch' •.
which included the geog"'pher Ondus, also "Iru ... " robust ='1, tions an: Th< PilD of ,b,
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