100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
T he S u pper 3 t Emm~us (d""i[! (1596_16()2)
711, gfflU,n in tbi, picn,u ,,/I "'" g"'" J.d. 711, (JutJtT<trkd b"ndr a[tb,
di,.ipl, on tb, rigbt, and lba" a[tb, iJlbff gripping bi, chair, "'P''''' Ik
imm,dia" ,"oo,,'" " "'"grlili"", /lJ" Ib, MmllaT )'latb IINy '"" along tk
moo "'-,ait bi,""I[I" '" ch, ",,,,,, .. ud ebri" by hlming Ib, ,",al Tb, nil/_
lift" frui, ,"ahI hibhllli "["m,,, '" un(Hd Ii[, and "pawi"", fiJfil/,J,
,::biM 'b.app/" _ rymooit"[ '''''pta,.,n _ ,,,nain niJl£'''bJy bligb"d

lenses ~s a «..::hnical aid. Ilis p""'n, Car<linal Cou nte , Refo,mation too, as thl:)" hoped
del ,\ loote, is kn"",'n to ha,'e had Some cxpenisc: that dramatic in,. ger)' in their ch urches
with optics .nd m.y h"'e 1"""id,,1 the eould he used to tempt people b,d fi-om
... tist with "quil
"cnt th" would have dour I'rotes",ntism.
pnJi<"(1ed the im.g.::s <lirttdy onto the c.",-.s, Car"-.ggio combined • ,hort, wild,
hcll,;ng to n:1""<lu,,, I. ,ints of high Contr!St o",,-.sion.liy criminal lill: with an i"'n<..::I''-'Iic
and foresho<t"ning. attibJd". Ilis in!lu",ce li,,,d on in the stu<lios of
By upholdi ng his uwn .esthetic ,alues .nd toc G""ilcschi family, l>1niruh rlr til. t of toc
Hoiding .nr cons"!.t"')' app",,,,,h to hi. r"" ... bblr tal"'ted Anemi';. G e ntileschi.
suiJj"ru;, C"'''''ggio quite literollr ph",d • rt C a "'H"ggio'. worls continue to reM)n' te,
in a new light. The fn:sh immediacy of his sl'<..::ificalir with film_m"kcrS such .. 1'.",lini,
work suited the aims of the C.,holic J"m.nandBrtt"I,.,,,.

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