100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
ISJ9 B()rn in Air_"'_
P,,"''''a, ,on of"

ISf2_9 Srudi" at CoU'g'
BoutPon ,;:itb

ISf9_61 Srudi" law a' Air

IS61 Srudi" QT' in
Pari" "'''''''' ro

IS62_70 R<j«"d by Pari,
Salm. foyan .. _
Pruman .:aT
dm'" bim to
I'&""J"'" M""
/-Ionm" Fiq"'"

IS72 Binb </ _ Paul

IS71_79 In Ponroi" tmd
·/):itb pj<rartJ

ISSO_SS Li,~, in l'Erw'l""
and Ia",,-lmJ'~' to

ISS6 Mamn /-Ion"",
Fatb ... di" I,aring
bim an inb"i'ana

IS9f Firrt ""<-man
,botri a' Ambrui"
J ~UQTd ,,,,U<ry,

1906 Di" of pmulnonia
in Air

Still L ife with P Ots and Fruit (1890_94)
A rtlilly </ ,bap'_ """"'n, and roliJllr, all Injnnuly arranK't/, to iUusrTat'
pnf«riy Cbnm',at..." "'0111" 'Tua' naru" by In",'" "ftb, rylind<r; ,b,
;ph,,,_ ,b. roll<', ".-uytbing brougbt into pr"fJ'T fJ'tTP'cti:~., ,dir«ud
ro"'anl, a em'Tal point. '


~UI Ch~nne ",os ~ shy, itri,~hle m~n ",ere n'Jt <j'ml",h",ic to his idul of'the logic~1
",ho, ~fter • di,,,,,uroging Start in tho: d""ciopmcn' uf e,'crphing ",e s{'(: and feci
early 1860s - • ~"hidding father. ,hr(JUb'" 'hc srudy ofn .. ure', It wa. his delire
cX:lInin .. ion litilun: ~nd S,lon rct...,ls _"'~rcdy ~"this essen,ial harmony. e<pres.«:d h).-c(~our
seemed dcstined for !.sting recognition, a< ,one. ",hich drew him b,d '0 his bdn''']
Ace],im wa. h:tnl ",On. taking 0"" ,hirty ycars Pr",,,n\1' in 1 SS2, ' Inc ""Iusc who wished ~o
of disciplined "",l bc~,re his first one_m'n male uf Imp"'''';oni,,,, «,m",hing s"lid and
exhihition in 1895: ~,llowing ",hich. Y'JUnK"r duroble' e,'en,ually ",en' much further.
artistS like the N.bis fon,,"] an enthusiastic I><o" iding the in~l<~u<~" Cubism. Abstr.ction
clique. alert to Ceunne's pushing of ,he and 'he gamut of 'van'_ga"le ""pcrimcnt:ttion.
b(lUn<b ries h<)"nd ai!)' Iml><"",ionisrn, Renoir a4,,1: ']-low un earth (l,cs he do it?
C6.3 nlll: knew th .. thc thco.-ics of I'"i,ian 11 <: <'0 nro" pu, 'wo t<lUches of col(JUr on n, 3
"".dm,ics and critics, Ic' .Ioflc public ollinion. COnyiS with(lU' its b<;ngab-cadr.n .chieR,,,en,:

I n the P. .. l ofClt .. <-~u Noir (e.IS95)
C'=<Inll<') IIlrIllTC"/,,,oftbi' riod """ roh'dly hllil' fum pla1Ut"f ,oJ(JlJr. hut
'modulation' triM at.::"Y' C"'''''lI<''' k.p:.'<Kd arid b. tri<Khd !",ub., </ rubt/,
,arm bUd rob.,-m,/y a/ongrid, rtrong.,-t""" if gr"" and hb~ for a ¥n"dy
naagi"""," r.,'(J(at"'n </ bi, "",it"< ,ou"'ry,id,
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