100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




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B()rR enm; tIS
P'P" in Norm"

Acti:~ in R",",

A,,;,~ in F/ornlct!
and Mis;

Acti!~ in Pi",

Di" in Pi",

The Snu Croce CrucirIX (.-.1272)
Tbarua/irio" of ebri" "'aT a major tb"", for Cimam" and br iT Iv/in"d to
hat"' p";""d tb. mbj<cr ""<1""/ rim", Th< ""tbiJ, oftbi, gracifuJ /iK"'"' je
«h«d by tb, griif oftb. moUYnn, in IN """de,", ,it},.,. rid., Sr..'''''/y
d","agd by tb, AnIiJ jlood in 1966, tb. <ruafir ba, rin« ,,"n r<IT(lHd


,o' .. nm Cil1labuc • I-lo,-cntme Onl: of his p.-inci!,'] worb is ,hI: s .... of
p'mter and mosa,clS' "'.... • frescoes that he and his IlUl'~S l .. in' .... 1 for the
(".-crunncr of the Rcn .. ss.n<"t Tncrc church "fSt Francis., A«isi, b<~wccn I! 77 and
arc h::w ",,,,.-(10<1 ,k:l:Iil. of his lill:, lou, he did 1281: another is his al'''' mosaic in ]'i ..
,,.,,,,1 n) Rome in 1172 , whcrc 1><~itjC:l.I.nd C.th<dr.Ldcl'ittingStJohnth<:Enngclistand
religious "'~)nn ,.."l' in the ai, und", 'he new "JI1~,I",ed in 130Z. \\'hil" "'maining litithfulto
I><~":' (Oreg".-y X. G"'g<"-y waS a ,mn of b rge ,ho: Hp.an,i"" rradition, Cimahue "mll',·"l to
idea<.lle ealled fo'a Gent ..... 1 G)uncil in Lp)f)s, gi,'e f,"'ms a new (limmsio." adnowl"lging
which ,ur""d Ou' to be a high."-,,er marl of ,ho: ,pa", and di""n"'.
,\li(1I1eAg.:s. So 'he ma>ler 1''''<,1 the "-'y~" his I)H'"
T here in R()me, Om.bue <lism,'( ... "l th., b"'OUS I'ul'il. Giotto. It is said th., they I)""
e,,::n the .n;,1S w"'eeag.:,~ ... change. ,\\urllislS ()f)e (by ()n the lk~()gna ,<x,d. Gio"" was a
were C>'1~( ... ing "-'}"S of bringing I))(,.-e ",.Iism sh<l,herd hoy. SCM,ehing ,he I'icru", of a ,heel'
inn) their wod. The", "-.,, strung (bite to onto. rock and, ,ttogniring his ,.Ien"
mmC '''''y &om 'he ,n<li,ional n. Iness of Cin,abue im"ed him nJ he",,))e his '1'I'I"<'n,i",
H}'untine .n and Cim. b"" >Y"'I",hiu:d. in Fl o .. ....,"'.
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