100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

for his Stu<tio worb with hiking and sketching
eXI'",litions. A braliant draftsman and c'~ouri<t.
he n",k himsclf moch fUnhLT than his teachtT;
to cx()tic k>C:ttions in South America when: he
found" ,·cri .. l~c l'"adO;c. and Onet: on" 1000 g
tril' right around thc shores of the
",,,Iitcrrlnean Sea.

Stjohn the Bapti .. in the Wilderness (d""if) (1827) br1 nooll"1.< Culc
Pain"d in N"", ) ... .1-. /vt1:.y,n Cd,', birrori, trip up rit·,.,. and bi, jim "iIi, to
EtIrTJf'" ,bi! d"mJnrrram tb, Htrt/mn Rir.-", ScbooI't 'nann,nr if rb, a"YS<!m,
Am,.,.i,an t."iltknl<JJ. / , nat "nly frd ,b, ,,·..,tkr if tratJt!U,.,." ,,·itb i" J(}aring
m'lt"'taim and pitUlging "'''''ifal'', bu, air. mrr<d '/vir _Ir in am"'""",';"n
if"G"d in .",,'a,m·"
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