100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

sword , the AI"",,,, ,,",-< l",int,,1 to cdel","e •
military ,ictory th .. h,d .. ,'cd Sicn. ftom
im'a,ion. It h.d bcen tht...., }"",s in I><Q"'''tiofl
and ,ub;.::ct to a strict e()flt",e~ stating th .. the
entire pic...., should be Duro,,'s Own un.ided
work, and that hc should '''''Cpt no othcr
c,. "missiofl wHil it waS finishtd,
The twO T u<c:tn cities, Siena .nd Fh-""", were
scnouun6tic ";'~Is., th .. time, 1Ij.' the tllm of thc
ncrt ttntury, H Off,,"'" 1.,1<1 <'CIit".,,1 Si"", .nd thc
.. ""inenU:: of I",inters ~kc Dutcio "-,,. I .... ' ..

'Ju,bs' kiss' and 'PI"}"r Ofl the ,\ tount of Oli,'''''
J'nNn ",,,,,.tit (I J()8~ 11 )
Duu;a'l ,\ \.:tc;;tit ';:al tkJuhJ,·rid,d, Tht! frJRIt ". ..,. 'h, ",,,,,tit i"<if, MatkJnna
and Child ""hnmd. "'i,h <rn"",ing paru/r abo", and a pr,d,Ua (th' bar, on
,,·hich tb, altar "andl) klil!:J. Tht! tl"~n' cJRIta;",d 26 'Pi,wn from 'h,
Pa"iJRI a/Cbr;n, origi""Uy for tk 'Y" a/lh, chgT a/<Jru. Tht! 'fJiwd" uad
hh a po"ic graphic ""t·,~ and d,'morlrt"'u th, ""ITat;," /"'t."<t'T QJ:JMa,d
1:-·ith 'h, Si",,,, mol. and Dut"" in pa"i",/ar. 'n" ,\ laestit ,,·at t/i,manrkd
in I ITI, to k ,,,urUrlg<d",, rt:.'(J "pa"''' altart. Da",ag' " .... iru"tah/,. ''''"'
pan<i, "Yr' rdd ""'outl and oth", "=, ",i"ing ""iuly
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