100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
17 9 1 B()rn in R(Jam

18 12 PainlTOfr",.,-of

1814 Pai",,"!ne
\ \\)und,,1

18 16- 18 Vi,;" l urly

18 19 PainlTThe Raft
of the ,\ 1"lusa
,::in; goM m,dal a'

1 820-22 Vi,;" England

1 822_2) Pain" f"'''rai" a'
LA Salpiwi"',

1824 /)j" in R(Jam
foUo,;:ing a fall
from a 00"-'

The M.d"o"",n, the 'llf e n. of S.1fM'tri~re' (/822_J)
IVbil,1 in Eng/mid, Giri"lU}' bwJ mad, rrudi"of rb, f"''''rty and mimy
to Iv found on rb, ITTWr </ l.iJndikl, In til< Tim" ,-,in, on bi, rmun to
Pari!, b, ,',i"d LA Salpi,,.;,,., an irlJllrl< wyilnn, ,;:b.,., b, math
f"'",ailTOftll< inmllt" in a <"'"pamona" atmnpt to "'pt tlr, and
andn-;rmld ,b, !mag' of mmtal illn",


ithin. short lik, Thcodore The lik..gz.cd iI/,,,,,,,, is. highly charg,,<1
(~ric.uh 'trongly inAut'flttd his wo.-k th., mix'" Rcal;;m and R'Mn'n,ici'm. It
friend Del:>e rou., and lef, a ",en, On .1l()w in LJn'~Jn, dnwing hug.: crowds
.uh""'n,ial mark On Europcan p.in,ing. ~"si_. months. Regrctttl~y, ('.I'ricault p,in,,,1
Gcric.uh and Ddacro;x w<Te bo,h pupa. of his "~nll ,brl tone< with hi,wllen -. """,mn
Guo'rin and ,,~J.I)(lfa,,-,1 on the litmo .. " ""ft </ ,b, mi'tt kc., ,he time th., r",ullS in <br kening and
iI/,d=: Dc:bcro;x 1_"ing:lS 0.--.:: of the ,icbms. contrlCtion Crleling - and 'he Cinl'a< is now '0'
G eriCiuh snrdi,,1 "'-l'scs and in'e"ie",,,1 fragile to lcaw the WUlTe.
,urvi""s in (",Ier to repn)(rutt 'he hOIT<lf S o f Gericiult wiS .n arden' admirer of 'he
the M,dusa, T he I"'inting w.s. Ilfo,,,,, apinS! English school. where 'c<~our and effeet • re
'he French gmcmmt'fl,'u"""p",d ",,,'<T_UP of undn .. md and kh', and s pcnt 'wo l'ears in
'he ",reeled frig:< ",'. true f.te, The Cip'ain had England where he pf<)(ruced lithog" phs,
ru' I 50 p':<JI~e adrift On' m.keshift ",f .. and 'he w"<T",)I()I]rs, and .. "di", of t'lCc h",;e" which
fifteen suni,'or< h.d had to r""lf ' to nwrder he l<ncd. Unfo<tun.,cly,l>1ck in F".nre, it "-'05'
and <'annib.li'm n) Sttr ali,c. riding .cciden, ,ha' Ci us,,1 his earlr dea,h.
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