100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1470(') B()rn M",bi,
"',itbarth G(Jlbar'
in Wt=burg

1480(') Apprm'i"d '" a
gdd.J7lfi,b in
StraJfuurg, /aur
"-()rh in
m/dio in Cd",IU

1490--98 JI'<.o-h in BIlJ,1 at
"-oot/m, illl_amy

I WI_21 Propri,mr if'
"-()rhbop in

HOJ ERrlim }:TWt:;n
"'or}:, ,\ locking of

HII_26 m..-h", ",ttrtof
ArchbisOOp if'

1f12_1f Paint; lsenhci",
Akarl', e"" for
OOspiwl chapd if'
S, Amhony '

HI 4 ilIu". Dimr

1f2f Embra",
Lutb<rinlf. C,,,,,,
p"inting, Flut to
Halk, tr..-h '"

1f2S Di" of ,b, pJagt«
in Halk

C ru"; Ii-ion Is.,nhcim Altarpie"" (""nt,e I'0nd) (C,1 515 )
n", HO'Pj,all= ,a",d for rim"" if'incurabl, di",,,,, lik< St Ambooy"
Fir, (<rg(JljJ7lf) arid rypbilit, III rbi, ,-il'illy mdi"i, imay rf un",,",wl,
mY",m' and p"in t:"uJd bm', mi>t/, il ,onmiing lin}: "'''~''m LOri" arid
,bui,}:. Tb, ""rd,of 'Il< illJrrJ'ption.' 'H, ",U" i"""ill< but I ,"""
d='ill<' ar. ,,,,pbari,,,d by tb, disproporri(}""U riZL' ofl"'" and ,ho<,
gatb=d around rb,croJJ'


"lfl''''''I'''':'')' of Bosch, Cr"""ch and
Durer, Grun<:w .. ld "m,jdcn:d hjs O"TI
"'I'UI:l,j(lfl se"lfl<hry n, the ,digioll<
and «rial mcs<:tgt: of his I",inting<.
F""" I 511, G runewald w"-< "'''l'lo),<,jllj--'hc
arehbisJ,(1" of ,\ binz H ,hcit Cour, I'" intet. It
was ,hc era of ,he Refo ... "a,i(lfl and the ani,,'.
>)'I"I',thie. "'all}' lay wi,h ,he I'"ltcstan' cause,
bu, hc ",'nag"j to hep his sc:er<~ until he
disclo",1 his SUI''')(' li:.t the I'ea<:tn,'s R",-(~, in

  1. IIc was <~,]))iss,,1. 'nd ftu", ,h<J) On
    e",hra""d Luthcris"" exchanging I',in,ing f()( •
    ca",er:lS ~ hplraulic engin<..::r.

Gtiinc" ... ld is seen n()" .. (h)~ as 'he g"'''
I'",cur«" of ,wen,je,h..,en'ury GCIl,,'n
EX])(cssi(lfli,,,,, but this w-iS not ",.Ii,-"d un,.it
,\I(.lerni,])) 1"'. "I'",<j • re""" .. lua,j"" of his
work:tS .n .ltc.-n.,j,-c '" cla.';e.1 ide.li,,,,.
Grun< ...... ld hi",self did no' seek n, un"",::' any
grea' .,ti.tie ,ru,hs Or '0 h",.k new ground wi,h
his s,}-'Ic. Wh., he did w:lS lilt ,hc I'loin
undelS .. n<ling of ,hose sufl'etcrs and ,heit
carers wOO knd, in fi-(lfl' of ,hi: .11:1 IS ,h., hc h.d
<k:"" .. ",d. Iljs im.gt:s, wh<~her S<lrTo",fUl (J<
'riu,,~,han', ."d his extr1()«lin'ry use "f C(~our
,u,],:t<S thl: ne"j f()( ",,,,ds.

S,oin, AnthonyofEgypt's Vi.i, IOS";nt P.~ul the Ilcnnit.
I"",h<;m AIt',],i""e (d"a;l) (" 151 5)
Tbi, ,tory ,,'OuJd bm-, h«n fami/iar '" "'''Y''n, trOO prap in ,b, cbllfJ,lof
St Anthooy" H"'PiwU= in lI<nb,i1If, Tb, old bn7lfi, ,<II. ,b,ir p"tnJn ",i",
about til< rm-m "-00 bas miraiUlo",ly frd bim ,,-itb balf a I""f ofbr.ad " '''7
day for rixty pan, n", bird tr...-doubly obliging tb", day and brought a
ration for S, Amhony '" ",,/I
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