100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

\ \),king In the nineteenth century,
Iliro'hige and HoL:u .. i e""h I><de"ed to
<Tc:ttt: Ia ... I",ap<:< ",.he, than I_>n,aitsof ""'BlS,
IO .... ::StlrtS, poetS and Courtl::s; lIS, Tbe in .... '" ]o,'e
"f .he Jap.n<se f,>< all "'1""" of.he na.u",1
world ensured that bo. h artists had an
enthu,i,,-,,ic ~,I1I""'ing. Ahh"ugh he m'r no.
haw matched Holu",i', draftsman"'ip,
lIimshige at his be« i< unsurpassed in his
poetic ,i,i"n, I I is abai'r to e",le .he mOI. 1 of a
p.rticular platt still ha' unfailing appeal
to w<stt:me""

N ightSnow a t Knl .... a (/ 812_14)
A '":ood /Wd: from ,b, =i" Fiftr-Thr<..:: Sta.;,." of .he '!(,bid" R .. td
Hit cbarlKtnirrieaUy rbad,d rry ugirrN"l rdligbt at',," a m()"main t'iUag'
",gulftd in ""'''', tbrougb ,,·birb tbY" /,,"p« a,.. rrrugg/ing 00'"', Sn({".r,
rain ()r mirr ar, ftrt"<J",.,d INxkgr""nt/ (I),llIi,;orn agairn, 1::birb Hir05big'
"If bit mlt'dkrr, ofi'" tkpicud <Ti1<Jing ,arb (Jib=' p",br, mfpbari=ing tb,
'rarlJi",,, of Hi"",,,
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