100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




I f26--2S

I f2S_12





B()rR in Aily;Jmrg,
/lo/lvin lb. EJd"

Srudi" t.,j,b [atb.,-
in AugJmrg, tbm
In""" to Sa,.!

Ib, Ba,d anim'

Pint lTat~k to
England, ,;.'i,b
i",rod",,; ... '"
Thuma, ;\10n'
from &-1lJm"'.
PainlJ p"nrai'''lt
,b, Tudor ",tIT,

I{mu-m to ,;:if
and "'" child_
in B",,/

Ahanoom family
in 8",,1. Smh, in

Anacb.d to
Eng/iIb C.",.,

I)i« of til< plag'"
in Lond<Jn

S ir Ridl:.lrd Southwell (/516)
JVbm rbi, por..-Qi, tl'M painud, Sou!Ir~.,,1I bad
Iv", Jbffi/f a/SuffolK and Noifoll; for m'" pan,
d'JfJiu til< [ac, !bat b, "" .... a ",,,,-jcud ,""rd=~
Holh<in (otI"ry" Q ur",in ""p/<"""'''''''' "hom ,b,
man 1m,. aTln:aY', in hi< dirparri""il" "yk. 711,
u",b"t~n ja1:J il<kJ1:J hi, mu,-ing moutb drat."! !b.
ri"",,.', ",,,,,tion to til< J<an on hi, ,ud:


aIlS I k>lbcin .. "1< one of two gift ....! northern Eu",l'''' n:ligioU$ illl"g'" came under
sons tnincd by their artist Etthcr a't:l.d in Ihsd ~nd ,tiS<Hllerne n thrt .. teocd the
lJans Iiolbein the Elder. Roth town·s food ,ul"I)". Arti,ts enT}"whcn:: we",
,rart<:<] out~. ooo L des.igncrs and alu,,, .. nHs for seeling al",rn. ti,·c ,,,,,l .nd IlolI",in docid"l
the le.ding Cer,,"n I,..in",r Frob"" offuscl. togo t() Engbnd.
but the ,~der oo}" ,~ed in 1518. In those d.}"s. lie sailed in 1526. h.,·ing perSu~dod
printerS were publisherS toO and their Er1smus to write. let",r of introduction nJ
workshops wCre m<..::ting pJ.""s for the Henry VII]"s Treasurer. Sir T hom .. ,\iore.
in tcl le<"lu.1 eommunit}". Froben·s office Ilolbcin·s .dmission to the English Court w ..
attr1e",] ""nJ· schohrs .nd S<) the }')ung tho: h-y moment of his career .nd ],ef,,..e long
Iiolbein met the Du",h hwn.niSl Er"mus.
Ilolbcin I",intcd his firSt officialponrJits in
fusel _ of. burgo" .. ,,,,r .nd his wife - Ilut.
despite their ,ucruss. he (~dn't res"itt himself
to 1"" tr1iture. Ilc cn:: .. <:<] a 1101",1 .. SLTics of
w'''l<]bio''ks c.lled Da"a "f l"Na,b. de,ign<:<]
, .. ined gl25S. m.de mo,k:ls ~" g,~d'J11iths. • nd
p.in",d ',.ne religious ,ubj""'s. IlowL,·.T. in
1525 ... the Re~Jm, .. ion 'prc:td throughout

tho:)" h.d a=I,,<:<1 him .. their leading. niSI.
·Iogether with his ",sponsibilitic. It:.r
""rcmonial and li::st;,·e occa,ions at Court.
Ilolbcin p,,,,·ided an """""'p.niment t()
11"1V}"·s serialmarri.ges with hi' p,,,rr.its of thc
king·s ~<"Iual ~nd I"'''pecri,,, I" ides. Hut
these were" mere h.ndful ~mong thc one
hundn::d 0' S<'. including mini .. un::s. th .. he
I" inted in " " al.
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