European University Sports Association - First 10 years: 1999-2009

(eusaunisport) #1
first 10 years

It was, however, at the General Assembly in Wroclaw in December 2005
where EUSA approved the program presented by the new Executive
Committee which will confirm and develop the role of the Association
within Europe. At the Wroclaw Assembly the following three main points
were considered top priority objectives: to stress and underline the role
of Europe, to establish strong ties with European Political and Academic
Organisations and to create stronger ties with the NUSAs and their related

These three fundamental goals have characterised, in these years, the
guidelines of the commitment of our Association and of its Executive
Committee. Moreover, the attention of EUSA to the cultural and sport
changes in our Continent has constituted a constant obligation of the EC
Members who have been on duty during these years.

We cannot exempt us from expressing our gratefulness to those who
actively contributed to the success of EUSA in the world university sport
movement. In particular, underlining the recent decision to enact a
Commission for gender equality which cooperates with the similar FISU
Commission, let us bring to mind, the significant commitment of the ladies
who have functioned as EC Members of our Association: from Charlotte
Ahlstrom from Sweden, Alison Odell from Great Britain, currently Member
of the FISU Executive Committee, to Therese Salvador from France,
former worldwide skilled fencer and Tiina Beljaeva from Estonia. To them
a heartfelt thanks and an invitation to our NUSAs to encourage and
promote the integration of women’s executives in the governance of our

EUSA has planned for the near future, beyond all its current tasks, to
focus on some particular aims. First, we would like to encourage and
enable activities in those NUSAs which could not be sufficiently involved
in the European university sport movement otherwise, for different
reasons. Moreover, from Europe to the rest of the world, we are planning
organization of International events among Continental Associations, to
be realized, possibly, right from the year 2011. At last, we plan to realise
growth of the residual number of Country Members.

A commitment which we truly believe would help EUSA to maintain
the leadership among the most successful University Sport Association

It is with this auspice that we present first ten years’ history of EUSA to
those readers who are interested and are curious to go through the pages
of this book.

Alberto Gualtieri
EUSA President

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