The Third Reich 1029
Jewish financier who betrays a German state and is executed, to the cheers
of Nazi audiences.
Hitler's New Reich and the Jews
Hitler made anti-Semitism a cornerstone of Nazi ideology and state policy.
In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws, which made the swastika the official sym
bol of Nazi Germany, deprived Jews (defined by having had at least one
Jewish grandparent) of citizenship. Jews were forced to wear a yellow Star
of David prominently on their clothing when they left their homes. In the
quest for racial “purity,” the laws also forbade marriage or sex between
non-Jewish Germans and Jews. Signs in restaurants, movie houses, and
parks warned that Jews were not allowed, such as one proclaiming “Jews
enter this locality at their own peril!” Yet some Jewish businesses, includ
ing banks, at first continued to operate, if only because Hitler feared the
economic consequences if they were closed. Some of these were
“Aryanized” by removing Jewish owners and managers. By July 1938, only
9,000 of the 50,000 businesses owned by Jews were still open. Shortly
thereafter, the German state forced Jewish families to list the value of what
they owned and to turn over their assets to Gentile trustees, who could dis
pose of these estates as they wished. Decrees established a list of profes
sions and occupations from which Jews were to be excluded.
When Hitler came to power, some Jews emigrated immediately, or made
plans to do so. With Jews unable to teach in universities after early 1933 or
to attend university as of 1937, many distinguished Jewish scholars and
artists left for Britain or the United States, including the brilliant physicist
Albert Einstein (1879-1955). More than 1,600 scholars and scientists had
lost, resigned, or left their positions. Other intellectual exiles from Hitler's
Germany were not Jewish, among them the poet Stefan George, the writer
Thomas Mann, and the painter Max Beckmann. But one had to have some
Nazis post placards in a
Jewish shop window. The
notice reads “It is forbidden
to buy from this Jewish