A-14 Further Readings
Dror Wahrman, Imagining the Middle Class: The Political Representation of
Class in Britain, c. 1780-1840 (1995).
Chapter 16. The Revolutions of 1848
Maurice Agulhon, The Republican Experiment, 1848-1852 (1983).
T. J. Clark, The Absolute Bourgeois: Artists and Politics in France, 1848—1851
Istvan Deak, The Lawful Revolution: Louis Kossuth and the Hungarians, 1848—
1849 (1979).
Ted W. Margadant, French Peasants in Revolt: The Insurrection of 1851 (1979).
Peter McPhee, The Politics of Rural Life: Political Mobilization in the French
Countryside, 1845-1852 (1992).
John M. Merriman, The Agony of the Republic: The Repression of the Left in
Revolutionary France, 1848-1851 (1978).
Jonathan Sperber, The European Revolutions, 1848—1851 (1993).
, Rhineland Radicals: The Democratic Movement and the Revolution of
1848-1849 (1991).
Chapter 17. The Era of National Unification
David Blackbourn and Geoff Eley, The Peculiarities of German History: Bour
geois Society and Politics in Nineteenth-Century German History (1984).
Istvan Deak, Beyond Nationalism: A Social History of the Habsburg Officer
Corps, 1848-1918 (1990).
Lothar Gall, Bismarck: The White Revolutionary (2 vols., 1986).
Lucy Riall, Sicily and the Unification of Italy (1998).
Denis Mack Smith, Cavour (1985).
, Cavour and Garibaldi, 1860: A Study of Political Conflict (1985).
, Victor Emanuel, Cavour, and the Risorgimento (1971).
Helmut Smith, German Nationalism and Religious Conflict: Culture, Ideology,
Politics, 1870-1914 (1995).
Chapter 18. The Dominant Powers in the Age of Liberalism:
Parliamentary Britain, Republican France, and
Tsarist Russia
Robert Anderson, Education and Opportunity in Victorian Scotland (1983).
Abraham Ascher, The Revolution of 1905 (2 vols., 1992).
Jeffrey A. Auerbach, The Great Exposition of 1851: A Nation on Display
Edward Berenson, The Trial of Madame Caillaux (1992).
Victoria E. Bonnell, Roots of Rebellion: Workers’ Politics and Organizations in
St. Petersburg and Moscow, 1900-1914 (1983).
Asa Briggs, Victorian Cities (1977).
, Victorian People (1954).
Jeffrey Brooks, When Russia Learned to Read: Literacy and Popular Literature,
1861-1917 (1985).