A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-41

Charlotte, princess of England, 600

Charter (France; 1814), 508-9, 593-95, 596

Charter of Fundamental Social Rights of

Workers, 1231

Charter of the Nobility (Russia; 1785), 343,


Charter 77, 1192, 1201

Chartist movement (Great Britain), 609-10,

610, 613, 642, 696

Chateaubriand, Fran^ois-Rene de, 479, 582

Chechnya, 1217

Cheka (All-Russian Extraordinary Commis­

sion), 945, 948

chemical warfare, in World War I, 895, 895

chemistry, 747-48

Chernenko, Konstantine, 1193

Chernobyl nuclear disaster (1986), 1184,

1196, 1233

Chernyshevsky, Nikolai, 713

Chevalier, Michel, 565, 729

Chiang Kai-shek, 1150

childhood, nineteenth-century concepts of,


child labor, 378, 384, 555-56, 555, 562,

609, 742, 764

Chile, 896

China, 427, 713, 820, 821-22

Boxer Rebellion in, 840-41, 841, 871

European domination of, 835, 836, 840,

845, 853

inventions from, 32, 33

Japanese conflicts with (1930s), 1050-51,


Japanese influence in, 719, 721

Japanese invasion of (1937), 1070

Japanese war with (1894), 719—20

missionaries to, 41

population of, 1124

in Sino-Japanese War of 1895, 719-20,


Taiping Rebellion in, 831

trade with, 24, 40, 47, 388

in United Nations, 1114

World War 1 and, 900, 976-77

China, People’s Republic of, 1149, 1150, 1238

Korean War and, 1151

Soviet rivalry with, 1157-58, 1159, 1193

Chirac, Jacques, 1183, 1184

cholera, 516

Chopin, Frederic, 603

Christian Democratic Party:

in East Germany, 1200

in Italy, 1129, 1181, 1184

in reunited Germany, 1200

in West Germany, 1131, 1181, 1200

Christian II, king of Denmark, 100

Christian IV, king of Denmark, 151, 152

Christian Socialists, 792

Christian Social Party (Austria), 1017

Christian VII, king of Denmark, 424

Christina, queen of Sweden, 247, 271

Chunnel, 1143

Churchill, Winston:

in the Cold War, 1147, 1150

in inter-war period, 969, 987, 1056

post-World War II settlement and, 1111,


in World War I, 902-4

in World War II, 1061, 1063, 1064, 1064,

1065-66, 1071, 1084, 1086, 1088,

1090, 1094-95, 1097, 1098-99,

1098, 1109, 1127, 1128

Church of England, see Anglicanism

CIA, see Central Intelligence Agency

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 56, 58, 62, 77, 82,


Ciompi, revolt of the (1378), 54-55

Cisalpine Republic, 474, 477, 482, 486, 495

cities and towns:

as centers of Reformation, 95-96

class consciousness in, 559

in eighteenth century, 375—78, 377

growth of, 5, 16, 23-25

in late nineteenth and early twentieth

centuries, 717, 758-59, 766-71

liberties of, 25

municipal privileges of, 95-96

in nineteenth century, 513-14, 528, 536,

540, 549-51, 559

in Tudor England, 191

after World War 11, 1142

see also specific countries

city-states, Italian, 44—55

artists in, 65-66

decline of, 73, 78-79

economy of, 45-49, 78

foreign invasion of, 74-77

government of, 45, 50-55

patrons of art, 63—65

politics in, 50-53, 55, 76-78

religion in, 57-59

social structures in, 49, 54-55

Civic Forum (Czechoslovakia), 1201, 1202,

1202, 1215

Civil Code of 1804 (Napoleonic Code),

495-97, 510-11, 593-94

Civil Constitution of the Clergy (France;

1790), 451,464, 476

civil law, 6

civil service, 698

see also government administration

Clarendon Code (England; 1661—1665), 226

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