A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-43

Conference of Public Figures (1917), 940

Conference on Security and Cooperation,

1 188

Confessions (Rousseau), 324

Congo, Belgian (Zaire), 819, 828, 830, 855,


Congo, French, 830, 879

Congregationalists, 326, 688

Congress Party (India), 1161, 1162

conquest and exploration, voyages of, 4, 5,

31,35-43, 40

conservative ideology, 578-79, 582-83

Conservative Party (Great Britain), 693, 694,

695-96, 697, 698-99, 700, 701, 703,

785,975,987, 997, 1061, 1111,

1126, 1127, 1162, 1165, 1166,

1181-82, 1222, 1226, 1228

see also Tories

Conspiracy of Equals (1796), 473

Constant, Benjamin, 595

Constantine Pavlovich, Grand Duke, 592

Constantinople (Istanbul), 7-9, 19, 24, 423,

425-27, 426, 589, 689, 690, 857,

874, 884, 886, 938, 1112

Ottoman conquest of, 73, 74, 250-51,

250, 290

Constituent Assembly, see National Assembly

Constitutional Charter (Poland; 1818), 602

Constitutional Democratic Party (Kadets;

Russia), 723-24, 935, 938, 940, 943

constitutional government, see representative

and constitutional government

Constitution of 1791 (France), 452

Constitution of 1793 (France), 465

Constitution of 1795 (France), 473

Constitution of 1799 (France), 483

Constitution of 1834 (Spain), 604

Consulat, French, 482-83

consumerism, 743, 760, 778-81, 1136,

1138, 1142-44, 1144, 1178

consumption (tuberculosis), 516, 558

Contagious Disease Act (Great Britain; 1864),


Continental Congress, First (America), 416

Continental Congress, Second (America), 417

Continental System, 498-500

contraception, 21, 537, 759-60, 777, 1011

Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty,


Cook, James, 419

Cook, Thomas, 541-42

Copernicus, Nicholas, 287, 288, 290-92,

293-96, 297-98

copper industry, 375

Coral Sea, Battle of the (1942), 1100

Corday, Charlotte, 466

Cordeliers Club (France), 455, 456

Corn Laws, repeal of (Great Britain; 1846),

610-12, 692, 694

Cornwall, 187

Cornwallis, Charles, Lord, 418

corporate groups, 6, 437, 448

Corporation and Test Acts, repeal of (1828),


corporatism, 1010

Corsica, 423, 480, 481

Cort, Henry, 369

Cortes, Hernando, 37, 39, 39

Cossacks, 273, 505, 936, 948

1773 rebellion of, 359

cottage industry, 23, 23

Coty, Francois, 1018

Coty, Rene, 1170

Coubertin, Baron Pierre de, 780

Council of Basel (1431-1445), 90

Council of Constance (1414-1418), 88-89

Council of Europe, 1115, 1131

Council of Five Hundred, 473

Council of Manufacturers (Russia), 532

Council of Ministers (EU), 1228

Council of Mutual Economic Assistance

(COMECON), 1133

Council of Pisa (1409), 87

Council of Trent (1545-1563), 116-17, 121,


Counter-Reformation, see Catholic Refor­


Courbet, Gustave, 800, 801, 802

Courtier, The (Castiglione), 60

Court of Justice, Permanent, 1114

craft organizations, see guilds, craft organiza­


craft production, 22

Crakow University, 83

Cranach, Lucas, 81

Cranmer, Thomas, 113

Craxi, Bettino, 1184

Creation of Man, The (Michelangelo), 71

credit cards, 1144

Credit Foncier, 727

Credit Mobilier, 727

cricket, 781

Crimea, 47, 428

Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky), 706

crime and social control:

banditry, 11

in eighteenth century, 336-37, 382-85

in England and Great Britain, 192-94,

193, 382-84, 384, 545-46, 550

Enlightenment reforms of, 336-37

in France, 256, 384, 545-46

in German states, 545-46

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