A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-47
in Italy, 543, 774, 1124
mass* 773-76
in nineteenth century, 542-43
in Northern Renaissance, 84
of poor, 546
printing and, 119
in Prussia, 542, 775
in Russia, 543, 717, 775
in Spain, 543
in Sweden, 775
in Switzerland, 775
for women, 328, 337, 774-76
after World War II, 1124
see also universities
Education Act (Great Britain; 1870), 773
Edward I, king of England, 27
Edward III, king of England, 28
Edward VI, king of England, 181-82
Edward VII, king of England, 701
Egalite, Philippe, 596
Egypt, 474, 482, 616, 827, 827, 828, 831,
832,850,871,974,975, 1051, 1154,
in Suez Canal Crisis, 1164-67
in World War II, 1067, 1088
Eichmann, Adolf, 1119
Eighteenth Brumaire, coup d’etat of (1799),
474-75, 475, 482
Einstein, Albert, 757-58, 757, 1029, 1101
Eisenhower, Dwight:
as president, 1154, 1160
in World War II, 1085, 1089, 1095, 1097
Eisner, Kurt, 957, 983
El Alamein, Battle of (1942), 1088
electricity, 746-47, 753
El Greco, 203, 203
Eliot, T. S., 989
elites, in eighteenth century, 378-80
see also middle classes; nobles; specific
Elizabeth, empress of Russia, 395, 399
Elizabeth I, queen of England, 114, 135,
179, 183-87, 183, 195-96, 209, 210,
embargoes, see blockades, embargoes
Emile (Rousseau), 325
Emperor Napoleon Crouming the Empress
Josephine in the Cathedral of Notre
Dame (David), 487
Ems Dispatch (1868), 731
Enabling Act (Germany; 1933), 1022
enclosure of common lands, 361, 36 i, 363,
381, 526
encomienda, 41
Encyclopedia (Diderot), 320-23, 32J, 322,
Enfantin, Prosper, 565
Enfranchisement of Women, The (Mill), 539
Engels, Friedrich, 556, 567, 718
Enghien, Louis de Bourbon/Conde, duke of,
486, 504
engineering, 763
Act of Union, with Scotland, 390
agriculture in, 16, 187-88,217
American colonies of, 196-98
arts in, 122
Catholic Church in, 86, 87, 88, 111-12,
180-81, 210, 212, 215, 224, 226-28,
230, 309
Catholic-Protestant conflicts in, 180-82,
184-86, 208, 211-12, 226-28
centralized bureaucracy in, 176
cities and towns of, 6, 25; see also London
colonization by, see British Empire
common law in, 6
crime in, 192-94, 193, 383-84, 384
Dutch alliance with, 240, 279
in Dutch war of independence, 200
Dutch wars with, 223, 224, 225, 240
economic conditions in, 21, 179, 186-90,
as emerging state, 5, 18, 85
finances of, 46, 179, 186
financial institutions in, 372
Glorious Revolution in, 163, 208, 226-31,
240, 241, 310, 390, 404, 409, 410
guilds in, 6, 25, 191,215
under House of Tudor, 179-83
Huguenots in, 259
Ireland and, 178, 180-81, 186-87,216,
222-23, 390
Jews in, 224
land ownership in, 170, 188, 190, 217, 221
literature of, 193-95
manufacturing in, 191, 226, 379
middle classes in, 190-92, 209, 328, 355
military of, 248, 248
monarchy of, 25-28, 186-87, 206, 208,
209-10, 224-25,227-28
nobles and gentry in, 179, 181, 186, 188,
190, 191, 212, 213-14, 230-31, 247
overseas trade of, 73, 167, 168, 169-70,
189-90, 195-98, 209, 225, 388
Peasant Revolt in (1381), 12, 88
peasants in, 191, 349
population growth in, 187-88, 192
poverty in, 192-93, 381
printing in, 34
Reformation in, 81, 111-14, 124, 180-86,
187, 206, 210, 212
religious freedom in, 220, 224, 228, 230