A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-53

Frankfurt, Treaty of (1871), 732

Frankfurter Allegemein, 1144

Frankfurt Parliament, 628-32, 629

Franklin, Benjamin, 304, 323, 415, 416, 4/8

Fraternal Society of Patriots of Both Sexes

(France), 455

Frederick, elector of the Palatinate, 150-51,

152, 158

Frederick 1, king of Prussia (Frederick 111,

great elector of Brandenburg), 267-68

Frederick II (the Great), king of Prussia,

312, 337, 340-42, 34/, 364, 388,

393-94, 393, 402

enlightened reforms of, 393-94

in Seven Years’ War, 399

and War of the Austrian Succession, 394-95

Frederick III, elector of Saxony, 93-94, 95

Frederick III, emperor of Germany, 672

Frederick William, crown prince of Germany,

663, 664

Frederick William, great elector of Branden­

burg, 267

Frederick William 1, king of Prussia, 267-68,


Frederick William II, king of Prussia, 424, 459

Frederick William III, king of Prussia,

488-89, 508, 573, 589

Frederick William IV, king of Prussia, 605,

619, 630, 631-32, 635, 661-62

Free Corps (Germany), 958, 983, 1004, 1013

Free Democratic Party (West Germany), 1181

freedom, see religious freedom; rights and


freedom of assembly, 606, 627, 631, 730

freedom of speech, 631

in French Revolution, 448

freedom of the press, 503, 593, 597, 598,

600, 606, 619, 621, 622, 623, 627,

632, 664, 723, 736

see also censorship

freedom of the seas, 922

Freedom Party (Austria), 1224

“Free French” movement, 1081, 1084-85,

1089, 1090

freemasons, 333, 335, 335, 586, 740, 1009,


French and Indian War, see Seven Years’ War

French Committee of National Liberation,


French Conditions (Heine), 605

French East India Company, 255, 399-401

French Empire, 142-43, 240, 281, 338,

388-90, 401, 422, 729, 821, 823,

825-28, 826, 829, 830, 831, 835,

836, 839, 844, 847, 849, 851, 854,

855, 856, 857, 858, 859, 865, 1106

administration of, 850-51

Chinese concessions and, 836, 840

“civilizing mission” in, 854

decolonization of, 1 106, 1156, 1 160,

1161, 1167-71, 1168, 1169

exploration and conquests of, 40, 73, 824

French Revolution and, 452-54

opposition to, 859

in post-World War I settlement, 967, 973

taxes in, 847

see also Napoleon, emperor of France

French Employers Association, 980

French Equatorial Africa, 851

French language, 774

in diplomacy, 572

in European courts, 337, 340

as language of culture, 502

French Revolution, 313, 325, 430, 433, 434,

435-78,453, 561

as bourgeois revolution, 567

calendar of, 467, 484

Catholic Church and clergy in, 441-43,

447, 448, 450-51,454, 458, 459,

460, 468, 578

clubs in, 455-56

consolidation of, 447-56

Counter-Revolution to, 464-65, 465

de-christianization in, 468, 476

Directory and, 433, 470, 471-72, 472,

473, 480, 482, 495

economic conditions in, 472, 474

Eighteenth Brumaire and, 474—75, 475, 482

Enlightenment and, 436, 448, 454

European reactions to, 458-60, 476-78

feudalism abolished by, 448, 458

final stages of, 470-78

financial crisis leading to, 437-40

first stages of, 440-47

historians’ views of, 477-78

Huguenots in, 452, 454

legacy of, 435-36, 567, 578, 580, 582, 605

long-term causes of, 436-38

Marxist view's of, 477

Marx on, 567

middle classes in, 437, 442-43, 455, 467,

469, 471,474, 477-78

military in, 460-62, 472-73, 492

Napoleon and, 479, 481-82, 510-11

nohles in, 447, 448, 450, 452, 454, 459,

460, 464, 469, 473, 477

peasants in, 446-47, 451, 455, 469

perspectives on, 476-78

reforms of 1791 in, 452-54

resistance to, 454-56

romantics’ view of, 582

roots of nationalism in, 436, 458, 459, 477

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