A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-55
Chinese concessions and, 839
post-World War I settlement and, 973
German Peoples Union, 1224
German Revolution of 1848, 605
German Revolution of 1919, 953
Germans, in Czechoslovakia, 970, 1115
German Southwest Africa, 829, 830, 844, 904
German states:
agriculture in, 518
artisans in, 563, 620
arts in, 82, 83, 122, 330, 331-33
Catholic Church in, 31, 91, 96
Catholic Reformation in, 116, 117
cities of, 376, 549, 550
and Congress of Vienna, 571, 575
crime and police in, 545-46
education in, 308
1848 unrest in, 613, 614, 619-21, 620,
624, 628-32, 640, 642-43
Enlightenment in, 312
French Revolution and, 436, 458, 476, 477
idealism in, 345-46
Industrial Revolution in, 514, 524, 524,
Jews in, 338, 631
land ownership in, 97, 353, 534
legal system in, 29
liberalism in, 570, 582, 586, 588-89, 589,
604-5,612,619-20, 661
literature of, 582-83
manufacturing in, 167, 357, 605
middle classes in, 532, 534, 535, 585
migration from, 552, 661
military of, 401
monarchies in, 127
Napoleonic Wars and, 486, 498, 500-503,
508, 511
nationalism in, 436, 476, 477, 500-503,
571, 586, 588-89, 589, 604-5, 614,
619, 620, 649, 660-73, 817
peasant revolts in, 95, 97-98, 97, 621
peasants in, 357, 358, 630-31
population growth in, 20, 516
printing and literacy in, 34, 328
print media in, 589
Protestantism in, 326
railroads in, 522, 523
Reformation culture in, 118-19
Reformation in, 80-81, 92-103, 106, 124
religion in, 85, 340, 543
religious freedom in, 146, 152
religious wars in, 126, 138
Renaissance in, 84
tariffs and customs in, 529, 530, 530, 605
towns of, 5, 19, 24,25,28, 124
trade and commerce in, 3, 22, 24, 371, 373
in Treaty of Paris, 571
unification efforts in, 605, 613, 628-32,
635-36, 641, 645, 649, 660-73,
voting rights in, 604, 614, 628, 646
workers in, 560, 561, 620-21, 630
see also Austria, Habsburg; Holy Roman
Empire; Prussia; Thirty Years’ War
German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party), 1013
Germany, East (German Democratic Repub
lic), 1105, 1132, 1148
Berlin crisis in, 1149
Berlin Wall in, 1155, 1156, 1199-1200,
collectivization in, 1134
economic conditions in, 1133-34
fall of, 1196, 1199-1200, 1200
1953 riots in, 1152
occupation of, 1110, 1112, 1113, 1131
Soviet domination of, 1132, 1134, 1149,
West German relations with, 1181
West Germany unified with, 1189, 1200
Germany, imperial, 668-73
Alsace-Lorraine annexed by, 668, 671, 732,
732, 734, 737, 825, 865, 867, 871
Alsace-Lorraine returned by, 909, 922, 963
anarchism in, 793
in Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, 880-81
banking in, 749
Boer War and, 834
in Bosnian Crisis of 1908, 878-79
in Boxer Rebellion, 841, 871
boys’ clubs in, 781
Catholic Church in, 671, 671, 792
cities of, 766
civil service in, 772
Dreyfus Affair, involvement in, 739
education in, 774, 775
emergence of, 660-73
empire declared, 668, 670, 731
empire overthrown in, 923, 956, 957
government administration in, 663
Jews in, 671, 673
labor unions in, 787
middle classes in, 670
migration from, 762, 762
military of, 872
in Moroccan Crisis of 1905, 873, 873
in Moroccan Crisis of 1911, 673, 741, 879
nationalism in, 671-74, 871
population growth in, 758
in pre-World War I alliances, 647, 863-74,
864, 878-79, 880, 881
reform movements in, 787
representative government in, 669-70