A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-61
Hitchcock, Alfred, 1139
Hitler, Adolf, 984, 993, 999, 1002, 1003,
1009, 1020, 1024, 1028, 1029-34,
1042, 1088, 1112, 1127
assassination attempt on, 1073, 1085-86
background of, 1009, 1012
government formed by, 1021 -22
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and, 1057,
1059, 1067
Mussolini’s relationship with, 1031-34,
Spanish Civil War and, 1047
suicide of, 1100
before World War II, 1051-55, 1056-57
in World War II, 1059, 1063-65, 1063,
1066-67, 1068-69, 1071, 1090-91,
1092-93, 1095-97
see also Germany, Nazi
Hitler Youth, 1024, 1085
Hobbes, Thomas, 223, 243-44, 244, 315,
Hobson, J. A., 854-55, 858
Ho Chi Minh (Nguyen Tat Thanh), 973,
Hogarth, William, 331, 331, 413
Hohenzollern family, 265, 266
Holbein, Hans, the Younger, 85, 113
Holland, see Netherlands
Holocaust, 1076-80, J077, 1079, 1115, 1163
see also concentration/extermination
camps; genocide
Holstein, 151, 362, 664-66, 667
Holy Alliance, 572-73, 576
Holy League (founded 1571), 178
Holy League (founded 1684), 264
Holy Roman Empire, 24, 28, 30, 74, 78,
145-46, 158, 160, 262-65, 264
Catholic Church in, 30, 87, 89, 91
dismemberment of, 486, 489, 575
in eighteenth-century rivalries, 387
emperor’s authority in, 147
factionalism in, 145-46
Ottoman threat to, 147, 263-65
Reformation in, 84, 95, 100-101, 103
taxes in, 262, 263
Thirty Years’ War and, 146-48
and War of the Spanish Succession, 392
witchcraft in, 121
see also Austria, Habsburg; German states
Homage to Catalonia (Orwell), 1046
Home Guard (Austria), 1004, 1017
Home Rule issue, 699-700, 701, 704, 886,
Home Rule Law (Great Britain; 1914), 704
Homestead Act (U.S.; 1862), 762
homosexuality, 538, 771
homosexuals, persecution of, 241, 812,
1076, 1080, 1140
Honecker, Erich, 1191, 1192, 1199
Hooke, Robert, 307
Hoover, Herbert, 997
Horthy, Miklos, 1075, 1079
Horthy, Nicholas, 959, 1016
House of Commons, 28, 180, 210, 213, 217,
222, 227, 230, 382, 390, 412, 562,
577, 696, 702, 703
Benjamin Franklin’s appeal to, 415
eighteenth-century role of, 404, 407-8, 410
expansion of, 387
House of Lords’ veto power over, 703
representation in, 337-38, 607-9, 699
Scots in, 390
see also specific legislation
House of Lords, 28, 184, 230, 379, 391,
562, 695, 702, 704
eighteenth-century role of, 404, 408
in nineteenth century, 608, 699
veto power of, 703
House of Parliament (Budapest), 578, 578
housing, public, 999
Housing and Town Planning Act (Great
Britain; 1919), 982
Howard, Catherine, 114
Howe, Richard, 417
Hoxha, Enver, 1158, 1190, 1205-6
Hudson Bay, 281, 391
Hugo, Victor, 595
Huguenots, 111, 138, /39, 594
and Edict of Nantes, 228, 259
emigration of, 259
Enlightenment and, 338
French Revolution and, 452, 454
in French wars of religion, 126, 129-37, 133
granted rights by Louis XVI, 339
Louis XIV’s persecution of, 259
in Napoleonic France, 485
in Netherlands, 235
in White Terror, 594
Hugues, Besan^on, 1 1 1
Huis clos (Sartre), 1137
humanism, Renaissance, 56-58, 57, 59-60,
,63, 66,81,82-84
Erasmus and, 84-85
Reformation and, 99-100
Humanite, L\ 1019
human rights, 1159, 1 188, 1238-39
Human Rights Watch, 1238
Hume, David, 312, 314, 315-16, 330, 336,
100 Days, 509-10, 575
Hundred Years’ War, 27, 28, 32, 46
Hungarian Constitution (1867), 680