A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-67
Kolchak, Alexander, 947, 948
Komensky, Jan (Comenius), 303
Komsomol (Union of Communist Youth)
(Soviet Union), 1039
Koniggratz (Sadowa), Battle of (1866), 667
Korea, 719, 840
Korean War, 1151-52, 1151, 1157
Kornilov, Lavr, 940-41, 945
Kornilov Affair (1917), 940-41
Kosovo, 970, 1206, 1209-10, 1213
see also Yugoslavia
Kosovo Liberation Army, 1213
Kossuth, Lajos, 621, 623, 634-35, 635
Kosygin, Alexei, 1191
Kremsier constitution, proposed (Austria;
1849), 634, 642
Krenz, Egon, 1199, 1200, 7200
Kripo, 1026
Kristallnacht (1938), 1030
Kropotkin, Prince Peter, 793, 794, 794
Kruger, Paul, 834
Krupp, Alfred, 531
Kulturkampf, 671
Kun, Bela, 953, 958, 959
Kurds, 968, 1222, 1233
Kuwait, 1236
Kyoto Protocol, 1236
labor unions, 561-63, 619, 693, 697,
701-2, 703, 721, 783, 787-88
Catholic, 793
fascist opposition to, 1010
in inter-war period, 980, 983, 1018-19,
May 1968 protests and, 1179
in post-World War 11 era, 1130, 1179, 1181
syndicalism and, 795-96
women in, 561, 787
see also guilds, craft organizations; strikes;
specific countries
Labour Party (Great Britain), 645, 701, 703,
785, 789, 858, 886, 982, 987, 996,
997, 1034, 1106, 1126, 1127-28,
1162, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1226
Lafayette, Marquis de, 442, 443, 446, 449, 456
and National Guard, 446, 449
laissez-faire economics, see liberal economic
Lamartine, Alphonse de, 617, 628
land ownership, 13, 351, 353, 357, 362,
in Austria, 249
enclosure and, 361, 36 J, 363, 381, 526
in England, 170, 188, 190, 217, 221
in France, 249, 353, 437, 450-51, 518, 534
in German states, 97, 353, 534
in Great Britain, 353-54, 363, 518, 526,
534, 699
in Hungary, 958
in Ireland, 222, 390, 699-700
in Italy, 534
in Poland, 246-47
in Portugal, 249
in Prussia, 266, 547
rural protest and, 547-48
in Russia, 708-10
in Soviet Union, 952, 1036-38
in Spain, 249, 547
after World War I, 1015
Laos, 839, 851
Larkin, Philip, 925
Las Casas, Bartolome de, 41
Lassalle, Ferdinand, 790
Last Judgment, The (Michelangelo), 70
Last Supper, The (Leonardo), 69, 70, 72, 72
Lateran Council, Fifth (1512-1517), 91-92
Lateran Pacts (Italy; 1929), 1009
Latin language, 6, 7, 83-84, 299, 305
Latvia, 716, 722, 723, 917, 936, 945, 1057
post-World War II independence move
ment in, 1194, 1206, 1207
post-World War 1 independence of, 969
Soviet acquisition of, 1112
in World War II, 1067
Laud, William, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217
Lausanne, Treaty of (1923), 968
Laval, Pierre, 1082, 1117
law, see legal system
Law, John, 375
Law of Papal Guarantees (Italy; 1871), 657,
Lawrence, T. E., 919
League of German Girls, 1024
see also Hitler Youth
League of Nations, 961-63, 964, 966, 973,
986, 1031, 1033, 1034, 1099,
1112-13, 1114
mandates under, 967, 973, 974
League of Patriots (France), 738
Lebanon, 729, 967, 974, 1167
Le Bon, Gustave, 807
Le Catedu, Battle of (1914), 890
Le Chapelier law (France; 1791), 452
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre-Auguste, 628, 638-39
Left Opposition (Soviet Union), 1035, 1036
legal system:
canon law in, 6
civil law in, 6
in England, 179-80, 227
lawyers and, 535-36, 536
under Louis XV, 346
in medieval period, 6