A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-79
in eighteenth century, 346, 387, 419-23,
in French Revolution, 440-42
of Grenoble, 441
see also Fronde, The
Parliament, English, 28, 113, 163, 186, 192,
194, 209-10, 318, 319, 339-40, 382,
383, 390-92, 562
under Charles II, 226-27
eighteenth-century role of, 404-5, 407-10
in English Civil War, 208-9, 212-14, 225,
241,309, 433
in Glorious Revolution, 230-31, 241, 254
under James I, 209-10
in Puritan republic, 222-26
representation in, 412, 415, 607-9
see also specific legislation
Parliament, Irish, 390
Parliament Act (Great Britain; 1911), 703, 704
Parma, 575, 603, 650, 655, 656
Parnell, Charles Stewart, 700
Parr, Catherine, 114
party politics, British development of, 408-10
Pascal, Blaise, 303
Passchendaele, Battle of (1917), 918
Pasternak, Boris, 1136
Pasteur, Louis, 745-46, 746
Patent (Austria; 1851), 635, 678
Patriotic Youth (France), 1018
patriot party (France), 442, 449
Patriot Party (Netherlands), 424-25
Paul, tsar of Russia, 474
Paul II, pope, 91
Paul III, pope, 91, 115, 116
Paul IV, pope, 115
Paul VI, pope, 1141
Pax Britannia, 689
Pazzi conspiracy (1479), 55
Pearl Harbor attack (1941), 1065, 1070,
1071, 1072
Peary, Robert E., 825
Peasant Land Bank, 749
Peasant (Smallholders) Party (Hungary), 1132
peasants, 246-47, 632
absolutism and, 245
in armies, 33
in eighteenth century, 356-60, 381, 424,
Enlightenment reforms affecting, 342-43
in fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, 5,
9-13, 14, 17, 33
French Revolution and, 446-47, 451, 455,
in Italian Renaissance, 49
Marx on, 714
nobles' rights over, 341-42, 343, 351,
357-58, 359, 362, 447, 511, 623,
rebellions of, 12, 88, 95, 97-98, 97, 243,
246, 251, 254, 270, 359, 428, 715,
722, 949
Reformation revolts of, 95, 97-98, 97
in textile manufacturing, 167
in Thirty Years’ War, 160
see also agriculture; serfdom; specific
Peasants’ Wedding, The (Bruegel), 14
Peel, Robert, 535, 545, 612, 694
Peguy, Charles, 742
penance, sacrament of, 91, 108, 109
Peninsular War, 498, 500, 501
People’s Defense (Serbia), 879
People’s Will (Russia), 718, 795, 881
Pereire brothers, 727
perestroika, 1194
Permanent joint Council, 1218
Pershing, John, 919
Persia, 47, 426, 753, 806, 873-74, 972
Persian Letters (Montesquieu), 317, 318
Peru, 587, 806
conquest of, 37, 40
silver from, 174
Perugia, 50, 62, 74, 655
Petain, Philippe, 1063, 1081, 1089, 1117
in World War I, 906,917
Peter, king of Serbia, 875
Peter I (the Great), tsar of Russia, 271-77,
273, 275, 306, 307, 426, 592, 706, 708
Peter III, tsar of Russia, 399
Peterloo Massacre (1819), 606, 606
Peters, Karl, 829, 830
Petition of Right (England; 1628), 213
Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca), 56, 57, 61
Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’
Deputies, 934, 935, 938
Phanariots, 425
Philhellenic movement, 590
Philip II, king of Spain, 111, 129, 131, 133,
135, 137, 165-66, 172, 173, 175-78,
177, 182, 183, 198, 204, 206, 243,
Philip III, king of Spain, 143, 150
Philip IV, king of France, 86
Philip IV, king of Spain, 150, 157, 203, 205,
205, 210
Philip V, king of Spain (Philip of Anjou),
258, 279-80, 281,354
Philippines, 388, 587, 822, 841-42, 859,
919, 1070, 1071, 1100, 1234
trade with, 40
Philip the Fair, duke of Burgundy, 175