A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A-80 Index

philosophes, 285, 313, 315-17, 327, 328,

329, 333, 337, 340, 344, 347-48,


social classes of, 316

see also Enlightenment

Philosophical and Political History of European

Colonies and Commerce in the Two

Indies, The (Raynal), 329

Philosophical Dictionary (Voltaire), 319

Philosophical Letters (Chaadayev), 706

Philosophical Thought (Diderot), 335-36

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal

Society, 303

“phony war” (1939— 1940), 1059, 1062

photography, 755

physics, 287, 757-58

physiocrats, 344

Picabia, Francis, 990

Picasso, Pablo, 806, 816-17, 816, 817,

1046, 1047, 1138

Pickwick Papers, The (Dickens), 541

Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 59

Picquart, Georges, 739

Piedmont, 458, 476, 486, 524, 531, 543, 625

Piedmont-Sardinia, 395, 396, 497, 573, 577,

579, 588, 603, 624-26, 636, 637,

638, 668, 729

Catholic Church in, 652

in Crimean War, 689

economic conditions in, 652

in Italian unification, 649-56, 662, 682

Pietists, 326, 579

Pig War, 875

Pilnitz, Declaration of (1791), 459

Pilsudski, Jozef, 948, 971-72, 993, 1015,

1031, 1056

Pisa, 24, 53

Pissarro, Camille, 810

Pitt, William, the elder (duke of Chatham),

407, 408,410,415

Pitt, William, the younger, 419, 459, 473, 499

Pius II, pope, 82, 90

Pius IV, pope, 116

Pius IX, pope, 625, 636-38, 637, 654, 792

Pius V, pope, 117, 185

Pius VI, pope, 451, 484

Pius VII, pope, 484, 484, 487, 504, 577

Pius XI, pope, 1009, 1011

Pius XII, pope, 1080

Pizarro, Francisco, 37

Place, Francis, 561, 609

plague, bubonic (Black Death), 4, 12,

18-19, 40, 42, 46, 160, 166

Plague, The (Camus), 1137

Planck, Max, 757, 758

Plato, 66

PLO, see Palestine Liberation Organization

Plombieres agreement (1858), 653


classical, 57-58

expressionist, 991

in mid-nineteenth century, 799

Renaissance, 59

romantic, 582, 583

Poincare, Raymond, 741, 884, 984, 988

pointillist painting, 813

Poland, partitions of, 387

Poland, Poles, 19, 675, 679, 790

agriculture in, 24, 1152

in Austria-Hungary, 675, 681

Catholic Church in, 338, 1152, 1191, 1196

and Congress of Vienna, 571, 573

1848 unrest in, 613, 630, 642

eighteenth-century nationalism in, 345

in European organizations, 1229

fall of communism in, 1177, 1191-92,

1196-98, 1215

German invasion of (1939), 1049, 1057,

1058-59, J058

government in, 30

inter-war authoritarianism in, 993, 1004,


Jews in, 338, 762, 1102, 1110

land ownership in, 14, 246

migration from, 1018

Napoleonic Wars and, 489, 491, 502, 506,


Nazi non-aggression pact with (1934), 1031

Nazi pre-war relations with, 1030-31,

1048, 1049, 1056-57

nobles of, 14, 246, 351, 352, 427-30, 676

partitions of, 425, 427-30, 429, 681, 937

peasants in, 358

Pilsudski dictatorship in, 971-72

population of, 20

post-Communist era in, 1215

post-World War I economy of, 971

post-World War II economic conditions in,


post-World War 1 independence, 963—64,

969, 971-72, 986

post-World War II settlement and, 1112,

1113, 1114,1115-17

post-World War I settlement and, 963-64,


printing in, 83

Reformation and, 81, 107

reform movements in (1980s), 1107

representative government in, 602

Russian conflicts with, 268, 270, 272,

273, 276

Russian domination of, 705, 716, 1191—92

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