A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A-86 Index

Roman Catholic Church (continued)

authority of, 6-7, 12, 84-86, 107, 111,

113, 127-28, 249-50

“Babylonian Captivity” of, 53, 86—87

Catholic Reformation in, 114-17

censorship by, 115, 309, 310

charity encouraged by, 11,381

clerical abuses in, 90-92

conciliarism in, 88-90, 91

decline of, 776-78

in eighteenth century, 337-40, 354—55, 354

Encyclopedia and, 323

in English Civil War, 224

excommunication by, 75

fascism and, 1011

in fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, 5,

6-9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 30

French Revolution and, 441-43, 447, 448,

450-51,454, 458, 459, 460, 468, 578

Great Schism in, 7, 86-87, 88-89

heretical movements in, 87-88, 89

humanism and, 57-59

indulgences from, 80, 81, 90, 93, 94, 116

intolerance of Muslims by, 7-9

Jansenists in, 259-60, 310, 326, 420

Jesuits and, 115-16

Jews persecuted by, 338

labor unions and, 793

in mass-politics era, 792-93

missionaries of, 41-42, 852

in modern Europe, 1140-41, 1141

Napoleon and, 482, 483-85, 484, 500, 504

offices sold in, 91, 94

papal authority in, 88-90

popular festivals and, 119-21

positivist view of, 804

Renan criticized by, 801-2

science criticized by, 287, 291, 297, 298,


status of, in unified Italy, 658, 659, 660,

792, 1009, 1128, 1129

tithes to, 13

usury condemned by, 46

Voltaire on, 319

wealth of, 7

women and, 61, 121-22

in World War II, 1080

see also Catholic Reformation; Jesuits; Re­

formation; Thirty Years' War; wars of

religion; specific countries

Roman Empire, 5, 46, 56-57

Romania, Romanians, 576, 590, 623, 675,

675, 692, 711,716, 753, 868, 880

ethnic conflict in, 1190, 1239

fall of communism in, 1177, 1190, 1196,


in inter-war period, 958, 959, 967, 1004,

1015, 1016, 1031, 1056

in Little Entente, 969

in post-Communist era, 1215, 1222

post-World War II economic conditions in,


post-World War II settlement and, 1112

Soviet domination and, 1112, 1132, 1133,


in World War I, 909, 922

in World War II, 1066-67, 1075, 1092,

1093, 1117

in Yugoslavia, 970

Romanian National Peasant Party, 1015

Roman law, 46

romanticism, 582-85, 590, 595

Rome, 53, 78, 498

classical, 1,44, 56, 68, 77, 290

Rome, Treaty of (1957), 1123

Rommel, Erwin, 1067, 1088, 1095

Rontgen, Wilhelm, 746

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1000, 1034

death of, 1101

in World War II, 1065, 1071, 1080, 1084,

1086, 1094-95, 1097, 1098-99, 1098

Roosevelt, Theodore, 721, 865

Rosenberg, Isaac, 908

Rouget de Lisle, Claude Joseph, 460

Roundheads, 217, 218, 219, 220-21, 220

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 313, 316, 317, 321,

323-25, 324, 332, 336, 343, 344,

417,452, 473, 480, 793

Rowlatt Acts (Great Britain), 975

Royal Academy of Music (France), 332

Royal Academy of Science (France), 304,

305, 305, 307, 315, 316, 317, 334

Royal Navy (England), 249, 281, 372, 394,

400, 403-4, 406, 474, 488, 498

desertion from, 403

Royal Niger Company, 849

Royal Observatory (England), 309-10, 310

Royal Society of London, 303, 304, 307, 310

Rudolf II, king of Bohemia and Holy Roman

emperor, 146-48, 294

rugby, 780

Ruhr, 984

Ruisdael, Jacob van, 238

Rumania, see Romania, Romanians

Rump Parliament, in England, 222-23

Ruskin, John, 523

Russia, imperial, 277, 394, 424, 645, 683,

698, 713, 824, 856,857

absolutism in, 241, 242, 433

agriculture in, 167, 362, 519, 708, 749, 751

American Revolution and, 418

Austro-Prussian War and, 667

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