A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
A-90 Index
Siemens, Werner von, 746
Siena, 50, 59
architecture of, 62
Sierra Leone, 1171
Sieyes, Abbe Emmanuel Joseph, 442, 443-44,
443, 448, 470, 474, 475, 482, 483
Silesia, 150, 154, 264, 340, 394-95, 399,
401, 529, 549, 560, 619
science in, 306
Silesia, Upper, 969, 1030
silver, from Latin America, 37, 39, 40, 168,
171, 174, 201,202, 204, 207
effect on Spain, 171, 201
Simon, Jules, 735-36
Simplicitnus, 865
Singapore, 1071, 1163
Singer, Isaac, 747
Single Europe Act (1986), 1228
Sinn Fein (Ireland), 975
Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, 719-20,
Sioux Indians, 919
Sir Thomas More (Holbein), 113
Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome, 44
Six Acts (Great Britain; 1819), 606
Six Books of the Republic (Bodin), 243
Six-Day Arab-Israeli War, 1145
slavery, 36, 41-42, 196, 470, 511, 546, 832,
847, 1114
in British Empire, 609, 853
Enlightenment views of, 313, 315, 318,
in Europe, 42, 250-51
French Revolution and, 452-54
serfdom compared with, 358
slave trade, 329, 348, 388, 406, 853, 855
Slavic Papers, 681
Slavonia, 264
Slovakia, Slovaks, 675, 675, 677, 680, 866
independence of, 1202-3
in inter-war period, 1016, 1053
in World War II, 1075
see also Czechoslovakia
Slovenia, Slovenes, 623, 675, 675, 677, 681,
866, 922, 970, 1210, 1211, 1212
see also Yugoslavia
Smallholders (Peasant) Party (Hungary),
1015, 1132
smallpox, 40, 196, 280, 516
Smith, Adam, 312, 313, 344-45, 344, 373,
546, 580-81
Soares, Mario, 1186
soccer (football), 780, 781
social contract, 315, 324-25, 417
Social Contract, The (Rousseau), 324-25, 480
social control, see crime and social control
Social Darwinism, 781, 843-45
Social Democratic Party:
in Austria, 790, 1017
in Czechoslovakia, 1016
in Denmark, 1184
in Germany (SPD), 670, 671, 672, 673,
790-91, 887, 957, 958, 963, 981,
982, 984, 986, 1021
in Great Britain, 1 182
in Sweden, 1184
in West Germany, 1131, 1181
Social Democratic Workers’ Party (Russia),
socialism, 514, 553, 645-46, 766, 783,
788-93, 854, 1190
1848 unrest and, 617, 619, 628, 642
fascist opposition to, 1002, 1023
in France, 617, 729, 732-33, 791-92
in Great Britain, 790
in mass-politics era, 788-93, 796
origins of, 563-68
in post-World War II Western Europe,
practical, 566-67
reform, 719, 783, 789
scientific, 567-68, 789, 790
in tsarist Russia, 707, 714
utopian, 562, 563-66
see also socialists; specific countries
Socialist Internationals, 788—90, 791
Socialist Party:
in Albania, 1206
in Austria, 791
in Belgium, 789, 791, 981
in Bulgaria, 1204
in France, 736, 740-41, 789, 791-92,
887, 981,988, 1018-19, 1129, 1176
in Italy, 659, 660, 789, 792, 1005-6,
1007, 1184
in Poland, 1132
in Portugal, 1186
in Spain, 792, 1043, 1186
in Switzerland, 791
socialist realism, 1027, 1139-40
Socialist Revolutionary Party (Russia), 718,
723, 725, 928, 931, 933, 935, 937,
938, 941, 943, 945
in Germany, 670, 671, 673, 784-85, 789,
790-91, 921
in Russia, 717, 718-19, 721
see also Socialist Party
social (class) segregation, 551, 559-60
in eighteenth century, 350-60, 375-82,