A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-91

in fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, 5-6,

9-11, 10, 190-92

fluidity of, 350

in French Directory, 471-72, 472

in Italian Renaissance, 49, 53-55

in Napoleonic France, 497

Reformation and, 95-98

Second Industrial Revolution and, 742—44

see also socialism; specific groups and


Society for German Colonization, 829

Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade

(Great Britain), 348

Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl­

edge (Great Britain), 546

Society of Friends (Greece), 590

Society of Jesus, see Jesuits

Society of Revolutionary Republican Women

(France), 466

Society of the Seasons (France), 597

Society of the Supporters of the Bill of

Rights (Great Britain), 413

Society of the Thirty (France), 442

sociology, 804-5

Solferino, Battle of (1859), 654, 729

Solidarity (Poland), 1191-92, 1196-97, 1215

Solway Moss, Battle of (1542), 181

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 1195

Somalia (Somaliland), 830, 1032

Somerset, duke of, 181-82

Somme, Battle of the (1916), 906, 907, 908,


Somme, Battle of the (1918), 920, 921

Sophie, archduchess of Austria, 882, 882

Sophocles, 56

Sorel, Georges, 795

Sorrow and the Pity, The, 1139

South Africa, 388-89, 829, 832-35, 833,

834, 845, 853, 855, 858, 871, 973,


Huguenots in, 259

independence of, 1174

in World War I, 904

South America, see Americas

Southern Union, 592, 593

South Sea Company, 405-6, 406

Soviet Union, 993, 1002, 1158-59, 1233

Afghanistan invaded by, 1160, 1176, 1196

agriculture collectivized in, 1036-38,

1037, 1133

in Arab-Israeli conflicts, 1145

in Berlin crisis, 1149

censorship in, 1136

Chinese rivalry with, 1157-58, 1159, 1193

cities of, 1142

in Cold War, 1109, 1147-60, 1176-77

collapse of, 1107, 1177, 1206-9, 1220

in Cuban Missile Crisis, 1105, 1155-56,


culture of, 1039

democratic centralism in, 951

early years of, 949-54

ethnic tensions in, 1194-95

films in, 1139

five-year plans in, 1036-39, 1133

German attack on (1941), 1065, 1067-69,

1069, 1086

Gorbachev’s reforms in, 1107, 1177,


housing shortage in, 1134

industrialization of, 1038

Jews in, 1196

Korean War and, 1151

land ownership in, 952, 1036-38

military of, 103 5, 1158, 1159

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and, 1057,

1059, 1067, 1070-71

nationalism in, 1041

nationalizations in, 1010

NATO as directed against, 1115

Nazi pre-war relations with, 1031, 1034,

1049, 1052, 1053, 1056-57

New Economic Policy of, 952, 1035

nuclear treaties of, 1156, 1159-60,


peasants in, 947, 949, 1036-38, 1037

post-World War II Eastern Europe domi­

nated by, 1105, 1109, 1130,

1131-33, 1152-54, 1188-93

post-World War II economic conditions in,

1120, 1133, 1134, 1135-36

post-World War II politics in, 1133-36

post-World War II settlement and,

1110-12, 1113, 1115

post-World War I settlement and, 969

Rapallo Treaty and, 984

in Spanish Civil War, 1046

Stalin’s purges in, 1040-42, 1040

Stalin’s rise in, 952-54

Suez Canal Crisis and, 1165

trade unions in, 951

in United Nations, 1112-15

U.S. detente with, 1159, 1176

Versailles Treaty and, 962, 963, 966, 968-69

West German non-aggression pact with

(1970), 1 181

women in, 1039-40, 1140

workers in, 951, 1036, 1038

in World War II, 1049, 1057, 1060-61,

1060, 1065, 1067-69, 1075, 1076,

1086, 1088, 1090-93, 1094-95,

1097, 1099, 1101-3, 1110

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